Xander I couldn't agree more!
Pricia-I always thought that "letting them stand on their own two feet" was important too. In fact as someone who had to go to public school and stand up for myself ALL the time, I was pissed that the other kids got out of it so easy!
Acutally in my public education program they talk a lot about home schooling.
But the point of my orginal post wasn't really to spark a debate over if home schooling is good or bad. As I said in my orginal post some parents and kids really thrive at it. And I agree Jewel, leaving kids alone to socialize themselves is irresponsible too.
The main point I was trying to get was how JW parents seemed to be using home schooling as the ultimate control of their kids, and an excuse for not dealing with school issues, meanwhile they had NO CONTROL of their kids, who did nothing with their studies, etc.
Now I am rambling tho...grumble grumble, do I ever have a point?