Exactly Neon--
I think something else people should realize is most JW's marriages take place when people are 18-22 year old (hey when you can't make whoopie it puts the pressure on to find a lifemate)
Being 22 myself, I can't IMAGINE being married right now. I have trouble nurturing a house plant, and as for my "ideal life mate" Pfff-like I know what this! I have a vauge idea...but that idea will become more clear with time as I learn about myself, and what I need to compliment me in a partner.
Statistics show that the younger a couple is when they get married the more likely they will have strain as the marriage continues because people grow and change, but ALOT of maturing and changing happens in the early to late 20's. It's no wonder that some JW's wake up one morning and say "who the hell did I marry"
And of course the WT tries to give out those articles about waiting until "after the bloom of youth"...pfff, that really works. Like I said, I am 22...I am the only out of all my JW friends who is not married. Most of them got married when they were 19, had never lived in their own apartment, never made a car payment, naturally hadn't gone to college, and pretty much never done anything for themselves. Two of my best childhood friends got married. She was 19, he was 22. I love 'em to death, but they are easily the most immature people I know. I wish them all the best, especially since she has now just turned 21 and preggers, but I fear what they will be like, and what their relationship will be like when they are 30.