Welcome to the forum man. Your experiences are shared by many on this board.
if you just want the juicy details where i leave, i'll make disclaimer where it begins, if you just want to know what happened with the elders and organization after i realized it wasn't true, i'll mark that seperately.
we didn't do jack shit in service, or in the congregation.
maybe this was how jehovah came about?
Welcome to the forum man. Your experiences are shared by many on this board.
really interesting how most folks can see that it is not right to shun someone because they choose to question their long held beliefs.
the only difference between this pastor and witnesses who question what they have been taught, is instead of just firing you the watchtower organization will force your friends and family to shun you.
Really interesting how most folks can see that it is not right to shun someone because they choose to question their long held beliefs.
The only difference between this pastor and Witnesses who question what they have been taught, is instead of just firing you the Watchtower organization will force your friends and family to shun you.
this post is going to seem erratic to some, but i'm afraid it's the best i can do.
i can only write on this board during the spare moments i have when my mother is not in the home.
so i need to get as much info in per thread as possible given the time constraints.
Is it possible that the WTBS got these doctrinal assertions wrong? In 70 CE every sign that Jesus gave his disciples was fulfilled. Jerusalem was destroyed. Period. The idea that there is a coming destruction for all mankind that will fulfill all of the signs again on a greater scale is a joke. I think that as part of the Great Awakening many people wanted to see the return of Christ so bad that they convinced themselves that it would happen in their lifetime. They thought to themselves "how much worse can the world get?" They looked at Matthew 24 and twisted and contorted to see the fulfillment of the signs in every single world event. Earthquakes- "its the sign! Wars- "its the sign! Food Shortages- its the sign! Pestilence oh dear its the sign! Look the good news is preached throughout the earth! Its the sign!
The Society takes those signs that Jesus gave, combines them with nutcase Adventist based chronology and presto gets the end of the Gentile times in 1914. Instead of "every eye seeing" Jesus's return it suddenly became an "invisible" return. He has been invisibly ruling for almost 100 years. It is so out there it is comical. I can't believe that I used to support it and defend it myself. Just because an organization insists that it is absolutely right doesn't mean it is.
Did you know that I can fly? I do it all the time. No one can see me though because I do it while wearing an invisibility cloak. Just believe me. If you don't believe that I can fly do don't deserve to see me do it anyways. Silly huh?
Hey I don't want to be a jerk about this, but can you prove your assertions in another way than simply cutting and pasting false doctrine that requires someone to simply turn their mind off and believe?? Use logic, history, science to prove your assertions. God did give most of us a brain and he expects us to use it.
(Oh and sorry to the OP for hijacking the thread.)
yes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
I might be able to help. I audited the Circuit accounts several times in the past and might still have the copies of the forms. I will look in my files.
the may 2011 km has an article on page 2 entitled, "could you share in the ministry on sundays?
1. it was the sabbath, a day when most jews in philippi rested.
paul and his companions were visiting the city during one of their missionary tours.
I remeber getting counseled as a MS for not being out on Saturday. The reasoning was the same, " the brothers need to see you out on saturday." It didn't matter if I was out on other days, it only mattered what other people think of your service to Jehovah.
Sundays suck, Everyone is watching footbal and no one is interested in talking to you.
just having had my circuit assembly recently, i felt that the expenses in a watchtower-owned building seemed extremely over-inflated.
over $9000 for two days.
there were approximately 750-800 in attendance each day.
my three sons nailed it and is correct.
They also include a capital replacement cost figured into the operational costs.
The last business meeting I went to the expenses included:
The DO apartment with expenses such as Rent, Electricity, Groceries, Satellite, INTERNET, cell phones for him and the Mrs.
CO apartment with the same expenses + new mattresses
CO medical procedure
The cost to fly the bethel boy and his wife out for the weekend.
A large assembly occupancy of 50-60K sq ft. and 800 people will cost operationally around $1200 a day. (disclaimer- only if everyone uses one paper towel)
of all of jehovahs witnesses peculiar ideology that attracts the most attention is their controversial and inconsistent prohibition of transfusions of a red biological fluidblooddonated by caring people to help save lives.. in light of the fact that patients in need of blood seldom require all of the components of whole blood, modern medical treatment calls for only that portion needed for a particular condition or disease, and this is referred to as blood component therapy.
[1] the following information is centered on this therapy that is being used to save jehovahs witnesses lives.. by barbara anderson.
"echr point number 136, 139http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int/tkp197/view.asp?action=html&documentid=869647&portal=hbkm&source=externalbydocnumber&table=f69a27fd8fb86142bf01c1166dea398649 -- http://ukpmc.ac.uk/articles/pmc479295/.
I think they will drop it to a conscience matter. They have watered it down to the point where a Witness can take 100% of blood if it is broken down enough. It is doctrinal and semantical masturbation. They are playing with it with it enough, just come out and do it.
i had a sister who was a tenant in my house and her car was leaking oil all over my newly paved driveway before she moved in i had a condition on the lease that said if her car leaked oil she couldnt park there and i told here after she moved in that she was being deceptive to me when she said her car didnt leak oil she was good friends with a lot of powerful elders in the hall and would you believe they asked to meet with me 3 elders in the back room of the library because they said i had called this sister a liar i got out of it only after i produced a copy of the lease and pictures of the oil mess if i hadnt of had pictures maybe i would of been dfd.
many years ago, I was strongly counseled in the back room by two elders after giving my fiance a ride to the meeting without a chaperone. Retards
hey i'm wondering if anyone can give some good advice on how to step down in the safest way.. i have served as an ms for a number of years, but can't do it anymore.
i know too much i want to fade in the future when i get some family things straightened out.
i can't move right now so that's out unfortunately.. what should i tell the body?
When you say that you are no longer qualified to serve they will start to interrogate your wife to find out why. That is the opening they need to go after you.
(sorry this got to be longer than i expected).
attention born in lurkers- 3rd and 4th generation.
a fictional account- ...... .
(Sorry this got to be longer than I expected)
Attention Born in Lurkers- 3 rd and 4 th Generation.
A fictional account- .....
The year was 1878, and your Great Grandfather had just received information from God through a dream that the country was going to be destroyed within a few years by means of a massive earthquake. The dream directed him to biblical calculations in the books of Daniel and Revelation that pointed to the exact time period the earthquake would strike. He was shaken by this news and firmly resolved to warn his family and all that he could. He approached this warning work with zeal and conviction. He enlisted the help of his son, your grandfather to publish this warning. The earthquake was due to hit shortly so your Great Grandfather and his family sold all of their property and began to travel to spread the message.
In every City he was met with ridicule and skepticism. The citizens would listen to his message, and dismiss the idea from their minds as the ramblings of a crazy person. This rejection did not flag his zeal though as he would simply continue on to the next city. Some people did listen though and took action first by warning their neighbors of the approaching destruction and then by moving to another part of the world to be safe.
The years began to pass, at first 5 and then 10, and then 20. Soon your Great Grandfather contracted a fatal disease. On his death bed he coughed and gasped, and then called his son over and said “my son, our message is true, I am confident that the earthquake will be here before the autumn of this year. Continue my work and try to save as many people from this disaster. He then closed his eyes and passed away.
The son, your grandfather looked at his father and broke down with grief. He resolved to continue the work that his father had started. He gathered his family, his son and daughter and wife, and explained that the earthquake would hit before the autumn was here. Everyone agreed and began to spread the word with greater intensity. Technology had begun to change rapidly and your grandfather saw the advantages it could have in broadcasting the warning. Soon there were world wide radio interconnects in multiple languages warning of the coming earthquake.
The spring passed as well as the summer, and then the fall. Winter came and snow began to fall. Your grandfather looked out of the window of his small travel trailer at the snow piling up and wondered aloud, “The earthquake was supposed to be here by now. Why hasn’t it come? Was my father wrong? What did we not understand in God’s warning?” He opened the bible that his father had kept and out fell a piece of paper. He read it and reread it and as he did so tears of joy and anguish came to his eyes.
He rushed to the kitchenette where his wife and children were seated and shouted, “We have had it all wrong! My father left me his calculations, and in reviewing it I found that he made a simple mathematical mistake! The earthquake will be here before the middle of the century.” He continued, “I am certain that the paper falling out of the bible was God’s direction. He knew that we had more warning work to do and wanted to give us the boost we needed to continue.”
After a family meeting everyone resolved to continue on in the warning work. The size of the pending earthquake had been previously underestimated and would affect not just one nation but multiple nations. This fact added urgency to the message. Your Grandfather Grandmother, and their son and daughter, who later became your mother, began to go from house to house with a custom made sound car, warning people to leave the Country before the earthquake hit. They spoke to crowds in school gymnasiums, at churches, in theaters. Years passed again, 5, 10, 20 years and still no earthquake came. By this time your Grandfather was elderly and not able to get out as he used to. This fact did not discourage him though. He would say,” even if I can get out of this trailer 15 minutes a day, I can maybe warn someone.”
Your uncle was approaching middle age and decided that he wanted to have a family of his own. He came to his father and said, “Dad, I want to get a job and get married and have kids. I have been on the road with you for almost 50 years warning people about the earthquake, and every year that passes makes me think that maybe we were wrong.” His Father responded angrily- “Son you have spent the best years of your life saving other peoples life. Look at how many people have listened to us. How can you say that the earthquake is not coming? Go ahead and leave, start your family work in your job, but remember this warning message is from God not from me. If you leave us, you are in essence turning your back on God.”
From that day on your Grandfather would not even admit that he had a son. The Family erased the memory of him away and threw themselves back into the work. Still another 5 years passed and your mother and her husband, who had become a believer, had a child….you.
Your early life was spent riding in a car from town to town, telling people about the earthquake that would shortly hit. You have fond memories about those times as well as sad ones such as the memory of your mother weeping in the car as your father consoled her with the words “Oh honey it’s coming I promise. Your grandfather was right about the earthquake. It will come soon.” Still, your family was focused on warning as many people as possible before it was too late.
Another year came and went, and your Grandfather passed away. He had been sick for some time but had always seemed to have the spark that would keep him going. It was a sad day when his son, your uncle whom you had never met, came into the church where the funeral services were being held and placed flowers on the coffin. He silently and slowly turned from the coffin and walked down the aisle and through the door of the church. You wondered at that time as he passed by you, what he was like and who your cousins were, but you knew that you would never be able to know them because he had rejected the warning message of your Grandfather.
And so now we come to the present day 35 years later from the day your Grandfather passed on to his heavenly reward. It was 130 years ago today, that your Great Grandfather had the dream that the nation would be destroyed by a massive earthquake. Your Grandfather spent his life warning everyone he could speak to about the imminent disaster. Your mother and father are still warning people even though they are now well along in years. Every time there is an earthquake anywhere in the world, your Mother calls you excitedly and says “see Son we were right!” Yet none of the earthquakes have destroyed whole nations.
You are now 35 years old yourself. You have forgone schooling and the chance to have a family. Working as a night janitor doesn’t bring in enough money to even put new tires on your car. You see people your age with careers and families, who are going on vacations, and you secretly begin to resent your Great Grandfather and Grandfather and Mother for perpetuating a fantasy.
You sit down and look out the window at the snow beginning to collect and begin to wonder, What if we had it all wrong? What good is a warning message if everyone who heard it over the last century is dead? Is it possible that my Great Grandfather just had a religious experience that somehow snowballed? Why would God allow us to waste our time for 130 years on a warning that is not needed? If my Great Grandfather was wrong on the mathematical calculations is it possible that he was wrong on other things also? Is it fair that I never got to know my Uncle and his family just because he chose not to believe in something that never happened? How can I be sure that what I was taught from birth is right? Does God just want me to blindly believe in this message regardless of the evidence to the contrary?
You sigh deeply and lean down to put your boots on. It is going to be a long night at work.