@True one- Generally in a merger of two congregations the Elder Body's would be combined in a merger. All would continue to serve as appointed elders. It is very rare for an entire body to be removed.
JoinedPosts by stuckinamovement
Elder body removed Watchtower letter
by Marvin Shilmer inelder body removed watchtower letter.
an elder body was removed last year in california.
most folks have never seen a watchtower letter breaking this news.
Elder body removed Watchtower letter
by Marvin Shilmer inelder body removed watchtower letter.
an elder body was removed last year in california.
most folks have never seen a watchtower letter breaking this news.
Yeah it is deleted.
Just as easy as hitting backspace on your keyboard. With about the same feeling behind it. A couple of clicks and you no longer exist.
You might have had 50 years in serving the org and if you choose to resign due to health reasons you are considered as having been deleted. Not retired, not stepped down, or serving in another capacity. Just deleted. The Watchtowers version of showing appreciation for former elders and their efforts is to crap on them. See the steam rising from the big load we just dumped on you and your reputation? That's holy Spirit!
Menlo Park Kingdom Hall 3
by Juan Viejo2 infor those of you that have been following the ongoing story of the forced take over of the menlo park, california kingdom hall, please go to:.
i'm sorry, the article is still a little rough and still needs a lot of editing, but i wanted to get it up by today at the latest.
I just went through the court filing in Melo park and it is my opinion that the Local elders and Branch have really screwed themselves. I hope this case gets some media attention. It is so funny because I remember hearing about an Elder in Sacramento who refused to go along with the remodel of the Sylvan hall in Citrus Heights. There was a big hullaballo there about the corporate officers. I would bet you money that Anthony Smith was the legal beagle on it also. He is the Branch's lawyer for things on the West Coast.
I know for a fact that the RBC was encouraging remodels for a while. That is part of the new inspection process that identified things that needed to be fixed. It sure seems like a nifty way for the branch to hide their money and then make additional money on the remodel project with the end result of having the deed in the Societies hands.
What is also kinda funny is the branch used to loan money to the congregation for a remodel at a rate of 3% or so. The max loan term was 10 years. Around 2 years ago they sent a letter to the elders telling them that the loans would be set at 0%. I wonder if that was due to tax exempt reasons?
Publication "handouts" at the end of the conventions
by sabastious ini have a hard time getting up in the morning.
i am not a morning person at all.
in fact people who know me have often joke about the various loud noises that have been seemingly brushed aside by my slumbers.. it was hard for me to get up for the conventions.
Sab you have a PM.
Are JW EX elders in need of our contempt or sympathy ?
by eruption inpoint 1. not so long i would have strung them all up and hanged them.. point 2. these guys were the real succers, not only did they become jw,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, ie not have a f-----g life.
point 3 they had the onerus task of making sense, of the ever changing (truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.. point 4.they had to take the lead in (sales) distributing literature.
point 5.they were the authoritarian face of the society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders.
Speaking as an Ex Elder... Contempt, at least that is what I feel when I look in the mirror.
Then we need your sympathy because we were so comtemptible. We were among the biggest suckers out there.
How Would you Interpret the Sign of the Last Days?
by Mr. Falcon inharold camping.
2012. wtbs doomsday prophecy.
maze's ramblings.
It's all perspective. People who gravitate towards groups like the Witnesses and Harold Camping are already convinced that life can't get any worse. For example if you lived in Sendai this last winter you were convinced that it was the end of the world. Or if you were a person in Rwanda in the 1990's it must hav seemed like it was the end. I think about the Spanish flu or the Black death, people then must have thought that the signs of the end were fulfilled and the end was at hand.
If you are personally suffering it becomes easy to swallow that Armageddon is near. If you are living in a state of good health,an area of low crime, disease, and unemployment it becomes a lot harder to convince you that the signs of the end apply to you and the time and place you are living in. Like lostgeneration said, we all want to feel like we are special. Truth is we are not. Bad things have been happening for melleniums and the will continue to happen for melleniums.
2011-2012 DC Brochure(s) "Listen to God" PDF
by yknot inanonymous brother does it again!
(huge round of applause!!!
(regular) http://www.sendspace.com/file/nzjme3.
I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed how foxy Eve was. If only I were a pear.
"Overlapping generation" explanation - TRANSCRIBED EXTRACT from Friday's talk (DC 2011-12)
by AnnOMaly ini thought this would be easier to examine if written down:.
god's kingdom will soon come.
so we know that god's kingdom will soon come.. .
I wish they could explain this "new light" in a simplified form.
At $50.00 a pop for copyright the WTS is spending a small fortune
by sinis ini was on the us copyright page for something else and happened to put jw's in the search.
they basically copyright everything!!!
km's, you name it.
Did they copyright the new Elder Book? "Shepherd the flock of God"?
2011-2012 DC Brochure(s) "Listen to God" PDF
by yknot inanonymous brother does it again!
(huge round of applause!!!
(regular) http://www.sendspace.com/file/nzjme3.
Miss Knot you are amazing!
My god, Eve is sexy in this brochure. The picture of Eve about to bite the pear on page 10......... no wonder Adam took the next bite!