Harold Camping. 2012. WTBS doomsday prophecy. Maze's ramblings. Etc.
I'm curious about something, and I would like your opinions on it. Religious groups and others have been making doomsday prophecies for a long while now. Nowadays, when they utter such apocalyptic predictions, they point to "worsening" conditions world-wide. Are things bad today? Yes, nobody is refuting that. There are serious problems that were barely an issue 100 years ago. Yet, to be fair, there were problems 100 years ago that have been solved in our day and age.
But it must be acknowledged too that in many respects, human perception of suffering is also relative to one's own applicable situation. For example, we are in the midst of a bad economy. However, a rich person may be having the time of their life right now, completly untouched by the recession. So if you were to ask him how he feels about the economical problems, there's a higher chance that he's not going to be as concerned as say a laid-off factory worker with 4 small children.
We may feel sadness and pity for people starving in the Sudan, but realistically, we don't suffer their pain 24 hours like they do. I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to say here, but I guess it just seems to me that as I look through history, there were peoples on this planet who were suffering HORRIFIC conditions. Irish peasants enduring Cromwell's persecution. Native Americans being massacred off of their land. Chinese farmers under constant threat of famine and Mongol invasion. London residents dying in droves from Plague. Unfortunate civilians living in cities and towns that were attacked during the Crusades. I can't help but wonder if all these unfortunate people believed that thier plight (which in the context of their individual situations, was much worse than anything experienced by anyone proclaiming Doomsday right now) was the Last Days or End of Days or whatever you want to call it.
I'm not making any damn sense. Does anyone know what I'm trying to ask here?