Thanks to all for the positive response. Thanks to Anony mous for "spreading the message far and wide." In retrospect I think that if I had recieved something like this as an elder at the very least it would have given me food for thought.
if you are an elder or an ex-elder please add a comment.
i hope that the governing body will see this.
it is too bad it has to be on an anonymous forum.
Thanks to all for the positive response. Thanks to Anony mous for "spreading the message far and wide." In retrospect I think that if I had recieved something like this as an elder at the very least it would have given me food for thought.
without specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).. how many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign?
please use this thread to confirm receipt of your campaign invitation.
take care.
Elderelite and all, everything is on as PM'ed. Mickey you have a PM.
-You will be pleased to know that there is an opportunity for all Under Cover Brothers and Sisters to participate in this unprecedented invitation work. Is it not our privilege to help inform all "deserving ones"? Remember the time left for this activity is reduced. May we all have a mighty share in this never to be repeated work.
Your brother
without specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).. how many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign?
please use this thread to confirm receipt of your campaign invitation.
take care.
Without specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).
How many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign? Please use this thread to confirm receipt of your Campaign Invitation.
Take Care
when you step down is it announced at the hall?
ive never seen anyone step down when i went to the hall.
im wondering if they announced when i left..
Yes, they say usually during announcements "SIAM is no longer serving as an elder in the Buttpuppet Congregation"
Then everyone looks at you and wonders " what did he do to screw up?"
on facebook tonight there was a post asking to take a personality test, in posting the personality tests a trend started emerging that certain personality types seem to leave around the same time.. i came out as an intj which is introverted intuitive thinking judging.
which a good paragraph describing it was:.
intjs apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "does it work?
Leaving because of illogical doctrine and hypocrisy.
to the governing body of jehovah's witnesses..... the 100th anniversary of jesus' taking the throne is 40 months away.
this means you have less than 40 months to dazzle us with your verbal gymnastics and explain why armaggeddon hasn't started yet.
we realize that freddy is no longer with us, so before releasing any "new light tm" regarding 1914, please endeavor to be a lot more creative and make an effort not to insult our intelligence... (we now have more ways to call you out on your bs, so you'll need to really put your heads together on this).
LOL @ Alfred. No I just figured I would add some bullshit, sprinkle it with a dash of condencension, and top it off with some arrogance.
Pretty typical from the letters I have seen.
to the governing body of jehovah's witnesses..... the 100th anniversary of jesus' taking the throne is 40 months away.
this means you have less than 40 months to dazzle us with your verbal gymnastics and explain why armaggeddon hasn't started yet.
we realize that freddy is no longer with us, so before releasing any "new light tm" regarding 1914, please endeavor to be a lot more creative and make an effort not to insult our intelligence... (we now have more ways to call you out on your bs, so you'll need to really put your heads together on this).
Dear Alfred,
Thank you for your letter. It is apparent that you are concerned about the manner and timing of Christ's presence. Many sincere ones like yourself have seen the approaching of the year 2014 and have wondered "where is this promised presence of his?". You will be happy to know that the 'faithful and discreet slave class" has prayerfully and scripturally reviewed its understanding of this matter (Matt. 24:45). The scriptures clearly speak of Christs thousand year reign that will result in all nations blessing themselves. This apparently began in 1914 when the Lord Jesus ascended into Kingdom power.
The scriptures indicate that mankind will attain to perfection in a gradual manner. Evidently, this is to be understood in a spiritual context. Since 1914 our understanding of the scriptures and Jehovah's will has greatly increased (Prov. 4:18). We have been blessed with a spiritual paradise and loving leadership by Jesus' co-rulers the modern day Governing Body. The evidence shows that we are now living in the time of the mellenial reign. Truly people of all nations have been blessed by this loving arrangement!
With these things in mind it is evident that we are now 100 years into Christ mellenial reign. We have been blessed with a spiritual paradise and the knowledge of the perfect will of God. How grateful we are that we have chosen to be subjects of this Kingdom and have recognized the means to salvation that Jehovah has provided. May we all do our best to help everyone around us recognize and share with us in the blessings of Christ's 1000 year reign!
Your Brothers
Co- rulers for a Kingdom
Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
if you're a witness couple and you choose to have a child together, it means you think armageddon is not going to arrive for at least 9 more months.
and then you'll be nursing it for at least 6 months.. that's almost a year and a half.
if armageddon started within that time: woe to you!.
Lol @ revealer, You know many people say that. Your probably right. Hey can't I wear the rose colored glasses for a while?
if you're a witness couple and you choose to have a child together, it means you think armageddon is not going to arrive for at least 9 more months.
and then you'll be nursing it for at least 6 months.. that's almost a year and a half.
if armageddon started within that time: woe to you!.
My wife and I have had two kids in the last few years. Armageddon isn't coming in one year, or 10 years or ever.
Waiting anxiously for an event that will not happen is equivalent to wasting your life. Having kids and being able to see them grow and learn and love is the most rewarding thing you can do and makes life worth living.
SIAM (lack of faith class)
new release on blood at ajwrb.
associated jehovahs witnesses for reform on blood has published a new press release informing the public and medical care providers of a product that could mean the difference between life and death for witness patients suffering from various conditions with either a primary or secondary bleeding disorder.
this press release is available on the front page of our associations web site.
Thank you so much. I wonder when we can get this in writing from the Branch? This means that there are 7 million DPA's that need to updated with new definitions.
How can the Watchtower maintain a written position that Witnesses do not accept Plasma while orally giving direction that 90-95% of Plasma is acceptable? It is immoral and nonsensical. Every new development like this proves that the men who are massaging this doctrine around acknowledge that the doctrinal stance taken on blood transfusions is not correct.
It is like stating that Witnesses are vegetarians, but we allow them to eat fish, chicken, pork, everything but beef. Beef hotdogs are also acceptable as long as there is less than 100% beef.
If you are a lurker or a poster who currently serves on a HLC please enlighten the rest of us on what this new change means and when the rest of the Witness community will be able to see the change in writing.