Can we get additional confirmation from other sources that this meeting will focus on "doctrinal" issues? I am sure that a leak specifying the information will get out before the Elder School.
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
Can we get additional confirmation from other sources that this meeting will focus on "doctrinal" issues? I am sure that a leak specifying the information will get out before the Elder School.
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
I don't think it will be primarily geared to the pedophile problem. Why would changing the policy be hard for some to accept? I think that it will be these issues in the following order of likelyhood.
1. Major change in preaching methods, with the door to door ministry being limited.
2. 144k is now a symbolic number and not literal.
3. The FDS is clearly the Governing Body. A GB member does not need to be annointed
4. Blood transfusions will be a conscience matter.
5. The C/O arrangement will be scrapped.
6. No more 3 day Conventions.
7. Inactive ones will be now be considered as disassociated.
8. An effort will be made to purge the congregations of apostates through increased witchhunts
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
00Dad the quote is from the 5/15/12 issue in the "times and seasons" article.
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
They are going to dump door to door or make some significant change in the way the preaching is done. Several weeks back the Watchtower made this comment.
15 Continuing in the Kingdom preaching
work in these last days requires
faith in Jehovah’s timing. The
changing world situation may call
for some changes in how the disciplemaking
work is carried on. The organization
may occasionally make adjustments
to address the needs of our
activity as Kingdom proclaimers. We
demonstrate faith in the God of “times
and seasons” by fully cooperating with
such adjustments as we serve loyally under
his Son, the “head of the congregation.”
They don't have the money to keep printing crap that no one reads. Few are coming in to the org due to the d2d activity. There is also a ton of liability to the work. I will also speculate that they will eliminate the reporting of time.
dear randall.
good morning!.
here is the daniel of brazil (former bethel).. this week at the forum of former jehovah's witnesses had an interesting news!
I bet they start appointing non "annointed" to the GB. Their candidate pool of loyal, koolaid drinking, semi sane "annointed" brothers with a track record in the organization is shrinking quickly.
the conti trial transcripts have been uploaded using mediafire.. .
conti trial transcript:
the public domain court documents for the 5 victims wt settled out-of-court case in may-june 2012, attorney irwin zalkin, san diego, calif., have been uploaded using mediafire:.
Hi Barb,
Will the total settlement amount on this case ever be disclosed, like the settlement in 2007?
on may 20, 2010, a lawsuit was filed in san diego, california.
defendant, the watchtower of ny, settled out-of-court for an unknown amount of money with the plaintiffs just weeks before the candace conti trial began at the end of may 2012 in oakland, california.
the law firm representing the five plaintifs in this case was .
Barb, will the amount of the settlement be made public at some point in the future?
every judicial case has a form that is filled out after the decision to disfellowshipped is made.
the form includes the reasons for the action, a brief synopsis of the case.
it is then stuck in a special blue envelope and mailed to the branch.
Every judicial case has a form that is filled out after the decision to disfellowshipped is made. The form includes the reasons for the action, a brief synopsis of the case. It is then stuck in a special blue envelope and mailed to the branch. I am sure that the information is entered into a database of some sort. Can you imagine the liability that the society will have if information on hundreds of thousands of individuals is placed onto the Internet? I think the whole disfellowshipping policy is terrible and unscriptural at best.
If I found out that a so called "clergy penitent" document about myself was out on the net potentially affecting my reputation I would have a lawyer filing a suit so quickly it's not even funny. The organizations arrogance is their undoing. They will say that any judicial proceedings are "confidential" yet they instruct the elders to file a report with details so the branch can track it. They want to have ultimate control over the lives of their subjects. This in itself will be the very thing that contributes to their demise.
Note: I am not talking about pedophiles. I am thinking of the man or woman who made a mistake 10 years in the past and now has this mistake posted online potentially affecting their ability to be hired or married or whatever. The simple fact is that the society keeps a lot of dirt on a lot of people. Release of this is going to be the biggest snafu in the history of the organization.
I hope it destroys them.
we need to unite on this one.
all of us know names of elders and others inside the tower who are child molesters in different parts of the world..... now that we have some allied out there in cyberspace i would like us to make the most of it.... everyone who knows names and addresses to pedophiles inside the is the time to act!
Shawn10538- lol that's funny stuff. We make the point that caution should be exercised in this endeavor not to ruin an innocent persons life by painting him or her as a pedophile, and now because of this stance we "don't have the character to stand up for what's right?" It seems to me that it takes a person of character to actually act in a controlled and measured way. I support wholeheartedly the effort to expose true pedophiles in this organization, and have actually taken a number of actions myself to do so, but the way that it seems that you are approaching it seems dangerous.
I am sorry you see my position as a lack of character. I can't speak for EE' as I don't know what his situation is currently, but for myself I can tell you that your assumption is incorrect.
we need to unite on this one.
all of us know names of elders and others inside the tower who are child molesters in different parts of the world..... now that we have some allied out there in cyberspace i would like us to make the most of it.... everyone who knows names and addresses to pedophiles inside the is the time to act!
I agree with EE and cantleave. While I hope that any true pedophile rots in hell, it is stupid and reckless to post names of people on the Internet. If Anon is able to get the so called list that is one thing. Trolling for names of current congregation members is a disaster in the making. Let the law judge those who are pedophiles. Don't take it upon yourself to create a list of names with people that might or might not be pedophiles. It is a terrible idea and will end up backfiring tremendously. The plan as far as I can tell is an Internet version of the Salem witch hunts. Provide evidence before prosecuting the individual in this way.