who is dale and betty baker????? i am new to board and a little lost....really interested in this....thanks
JoinedPosts by peaches
Transcript Of Judicial Committee Meeting Of Dale & Bette Baker
by Bangalore intranscript of judicial committee meeting of dale & bette baker.. http://www.jehovahswitnessbooks.com/2010/03/judicial-committee-meeting-of-dale.html.
I had a marvelous vision from the FSM!
by AK - Jeff inas i walked along the road last night something seemed unusual.
i can not put my finger on it, but i felt the spirit in my heart.
i was overjoyed.
bring on the spaghetti,,,,
my letter to the elders and governing body
by leftchica in<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> .
to the elders of the maitland congregation and governing body of the watchtower tract.
and bible society,.
i sent my sister inlaw a letter
by looloo inmy husband has been so upset at her ignoring him in the street lately (he was disfellowshipped 15 years ago but , she has only just started ignoring him ,shes 19 and about to get married ) i know she must find it hard to start ignoring him all of a sudden and wonder if its her future husband to be influencing her already or just the fact that she feels "guilty"for talking to her own brother , she walked past with her fiance and they both looked at my husband but looked away when he spotted them , so he can not even be introduced to his future brother in law , like normal people .
my husband approached his parents about it and they said it is "her decision" but he is welcome to start coming to their home again as they miss our daughter since he was banned from the home a year ago .i wrote to his sister pointing out there are other girls like her who think they are doing gods will by ignoring relatives who have been disfellowshipped from the "one true religion" and these girls went on to write books when they themselves were eventually disfellowshipped also , escape by carrolyn jessop was one book and another was not without my sister by christina jones , they were brought up in the flds and children of god religion s that they thought were the "truth" and i hope she reads these books as she will be amazed at the similarities to the jw religion .
i told her her brother would welcome her with welcome arms if she ever wants to be in his life again , its so sad , i feel helpless ..
big hugs for you loo loo...
JW christmas is just round the corner... ugh!
by MisfitMeL inyeah so the memorial is getting closer.. and even though my mum knows i am not attending the meetings, she keeps staying i should at least attend the memorial.... coz it's like special.. no idea how to get myself out of it.
everytime she brings up the topic over the phone, i just mumble and say stuff like, yeah but i finish work late... i dunno where the kh is out here etc etc.
i don't know why jws treat the memorial like it's christmas.
billy had some good idea's....it has been brought out many times not to go to the hall if you are sick or contagious....even the memorial...as you could sicken the brothers and sisters....get the h1n1 flu...i think that is what it is called....it is NOT loving to share your germs...
JW christmas is just round the corner... ugh!
by MisfitMeL inyeah so the memorial is getting closer.. and even though my mum knows i am not attending the meetings, she keeps staying i should at least attend the memorial.... coz it's like special.. no idea how to get myself out of it.
everytime she brings up the topic over the phone, i just mumble and say stuff like, yeah but i finish work late... i dunno where the kh is out here etc etc.
i don't know why jws treat the memorial like it's christmas.
if they don't know you,,,,and you do not speak with anyone,,,or give personal information if you are confronted,,,they will not beable to track you down....i don't think anyway,,,,,it is so hard,,,and emotionally draining,,,,,,there is no "win" situation.....i feel both for you and your mom...the thought of death is horrible enough,,,,let alone losing some one for ever....
JW christmas is just round the corner... ugh!
by MisfitMeL inyeah so the memorial is getting closer.. and even though my mum knows i am not attending the meetings, she keeps staying i should at least attend the memorial.... coz it's like special.. no idea how to get myself out of it.
everytime she brings up the topic over the phone, i just mumble and say stuff like, yeah but i finish work late... i dunno where the kh is out here etc etc.
i don't know why jws treat the memorial like it's christmas.
it will not be so bad.....come in late,,,,sit in the back,,,close to the door if possible.....leave during the closing song....park so you can get out fast...even people of most religions thank god,,for sending his son as a sacrifice....if you think what jesus went through,,,,sitting in a hall for 30 minutes isn't so rough,,,,even if it is a "kingdom hall".....
i should give advice....i do not go either....can't get myself to walk through the doors of the building.....yet,,,if there is a god,,,,what he did for us is to be truly appreciated....and your poor mom is just hurting for you i'll bet....just think what she must be going through....eternal death for her son with the prospect of never seeing you.....it is all so awful.....to put it mildly.....
How Did YOU Finally Leave The Organization?
by minimus inwas it a long process?.
is it still ongoing?.
did you have a long range plan?.
what settlements on nbc????????
My Wife's SSD Got Cut Off
by Yizuman inthis morning, i came to discover in great shock that my wife's ssd has been stopped.. yesterday, i noticed her ssd wasn't automatically deposited as it usually does every 3rd of the month.. .
this morning i checked again and it still wasn't there.
so i got on vp and called to inquire what's going on with her ssd.
MAKE IT PUBLIC!!!!! call the local news papers,,,,tv stations....radio stations....any public means you have where you live....Contact your local govenor and congressman....tell them what is happening.....let your mayor know.....Send pictures,,,write out your story,,,,etc etc etc....make as much "noise" as you can......things will start to happen for the good....don't give up,,,,,FIGHT....and fight hard......
How Did YOU Finally Leave The Organization?
by minimus inwas it a long process?.
is it still ongoing?.
did you have a long range plan?.
i moved to a different state....lost everything....family...friends...home...pets....child...exhusband....the list goes on..from peaches