yup,,,,what yellow said,,,,plus a few more hours....peaches
JoinedPosts by peaches
worst privelege ever?
by rockmehardplace incollecting money after every meeting.
i could never get someone to help, and i was always last to leave.
when i did finally have one person who would help, if i used them too often i got questions about why the two of us were always taking the contributions.
Did you carry any No Blood paraphernalia around?
by cult classic ini never really carried anything on me.
it was always fun getting the card signed and all (a welcome change of pace at the service meeting).
but i always thought it looked too weird to have that in my wallet.
used to.....not anymore....
I have ZERO fear of death now...
by oompa inbut do flukkin hate the thought of old age and what may come with it.....the only people who really know what life after death may be....they aint talkin!!
!.......so it is a big adventure i look forward too.....but not the droolin and diapers......oompa.
i do not fear death at all....i took care of people for over 25 years....so...the idea of having some one clean me up after i pee'd on myself,,or shit on myself....doesn't even phase me...after awhile,,,,one turd looks just like another...reguardless of who it belongs to....they move on from you to the next one....only to start over again....
If you felt/feel that you had/have good, close "friends" in the org, how did/does it feel to just give them up?
by Crisis of Conscience inthis is my biggest dilema.
although mentally i really feel i could walk away from the org right now, i still have genuine love for the people i have come to know over the years.
i love people!.
i did not drop anybody,,,,they dropped me....OUCH....takes a mean heart to beable to do that...
My kitty is having kittens soon and Im stressing about it. Advice?
by WuzLovesDubs inlike i dont have enough going on right now...my kitty is expecting and im not sure when she actually got pregnant but im thinking her due date might be around 5/10.
i have read online a bit about the process and i hope she can handle this.
i made a secure and private kittening box for her and she seems to like it in there with ripped up rags she can pile up into a nest.
your kitties are lucky to have you as a "mom"...... how you treat your pets,,,speaks volumes about the kind of person you are inside...and you sound like a gem....ok,,,a nervous gem,,,hahaha
Tamoxifen...for breast cancer....if you are taking it or know someone who is!
by restrangled inthis was talked about in the senate today.....tamoxifen is not metabolized by all women.
due to the new gene research it has been discovered that a good portion of breast cancer patients do not metabolize the above mentioned drug.
in fact, it was stated, unless your doctor has done a blood test to see if you can metabolize it,....you might as well be eating m and m candies....virtually worthless.
that is scarry.....big time....it is not a game....and information like this should be taken real serious...
The only reason most of us are here is......
by Quillsky in.....disfellowshipping, i think.. potential disfellowshipping, current disfellowshipping, disfellowshipping of people we love.. it's the most genius cult tool ever invented..
i wanted to meet people who had gone through it...no one else really understands...i was also really lonesome...you lose everything...you have no one who will even look at you decently....so it is such a wonderful thing,,,to beable to tell some one,,,god,,,,i am having an awful day,,,"i just need to talk".....when you do not have that...it is the greatest gift you can give some one...YOUR PERSONAL TIME... thank you...thank you thank you...
cancer.....wanted to warn you....
by peaches inmy aunt is self supportive...runs a self employed catering service...healthy and active...went to bed one night,,,,woke up with a sore chest....she thought she had pulled a muscle...so...gave it a few days to heal.....no improvement.... went to the doctor,,,,,they ran some tests,,,,and found out she is full of cancer...it is in her breast,,,lungs,,,liver....they told her she has about 4 to 6 months to live...nothing they can do for her..... she is just a wonderful person,,,,and i love her alot...i told her god loves her,,,and that heaven was a wonderful place...i said nothing about "earth"...i told her death is only hard on the living...and sent her big hugs...... this is really disturbing because she had no symptoms....none...she felt fine...i did not want this to happen to any of you...so,,,guys and gals,,,check for lumps and bumps...get the yearly physicals,,,mamo-grams,,,pap smears...prostrate..etc etc.... we always think it would never happen to us or a loved one...but...it so easily could....peaches .
thank you all so much.....everyone needs to be so careful about these things...there is SO MANY chemicals in everything we eat/drink/ and also what we breathe....you cannot escape it...CANCER doesn't play favorites....so,,,,anyone and everyone can be vulnerable to it...quite simply:::CANCER SUCKS!!!!
Were You Surprised That The "World" Was Not As Bad As The Watchtower Claimed?
by minimus inif you leave the "safe waters" of the organization and go back into the world, you are doomed to misery----per the watchtower.....was that your experience?.
undercover--"i had to work to be "normal".....
i so UNDERSTAND THAT....and it is much worse if a person has a mental disability....i am ALIVE because worldly people cared enough to help me...the watchtowers reaction.....bad heart condition....worldly influence...."lets punish"....
i have met the kindest,,,most decent people you could ever find...and they were not in a kingdom hall...
been inactive for a few years,,,,and totally left 3 years ago....i am still struggling to be normal and "fit" in...i also cannot seem to get "away" from them...the reason--i loved jehovah and his organization SO MUCH...i felt his love and saw his "spirit" in the hall....SO...if it wasn't jehovah answering my prayers,,,and working in the hall....WHO WAS IT??? am i so awful that SATAN was working me??? so,,,,one minute i am "for" the society and the next minute i am scared to death of them....for equals-god.....against "sometimes" means= satan
because it had to be god,,,and not satan.....OH GOD,,,MINIMUS....i have a tendency to "take over" your threads...I AM REALLY SORRY...i am venting and rambling....i had to deal with "worldly" people today....and they made me feel good about my-self....it sure did not happen in the hall...again minimus,,,,sigh...i'm sorry...........peaches
cancer.....wanted to warn you....
by peaches inmy aunt is self supportive...runs a self employed catering service...healthy and active...went to bed one night,,,,woke up with a sore chest....she thought she had pulled a muscle...so...gave it a few days to heal.....no improvement.... went to the doctor,,,,,they ran some tests,,,,and found out she is full of cancer...it is in her breast,,,lungs,,,liver....they told her she has about 4 to 6 months to live...nothing they can do for her..... she is just a wonderful person,,,,and i love her alot...i told her god loves her,,,and that heaven was a wonderful place...i said nothing about "earth"...i told her death is only hard on the living...and sent her big hugs...... this is really disturbing because she had no symptoms....none...she felt fine...i did not want this to happen to any of you...so,,,guys and gals,,,check for lumps and bumps...get the yearly physicals,,,mamo-grams,,,pap smears...prostrate..etc etc.... we always think it would never happen to us or a loved one...but...it so easily could....peaches .
my aunt is self supportive...runs a self employed catering service...healthy and active...went to bed one night,,,,woke up with a sore chest....she thought she had pulled a muscle...so...gave it a few days to heal.....no improvement...
went to the doctor,,,,,they ran some tests,,,,and found out she is full of cancer...it is in her breast,,,lungs,,,liver....they told her she has about 4 to 6 months to live...nothing they can do for her....
she is just a wonderful person,,,,and i love her alot...i told her god loves her,,,and that heaven was a wonderful place...i said nothing about "earth"...i told her death is only hard on the living...and sent her big hugs.....
this is really disturbing because she had NO SYMPTOMS....NONE...SHE FELT FINE...i did not want this to happen to any of you...SO,,,guys and gals,,,check for lumps and bumps...get the yearly physicals,,,mamo-grams,,,pap smears...prostrate..etc etc...
we always think it would never happen to us or a loved one...but...it so easily could....peaches