It's THE hardest part of leaving. Simply -mentioning- that we may not believe anymore caused virtually all friends to drop us an run immediately. I mean just a sentence! Not one even tried to comfort us, work with us, find out what's wrong. Just scared to death of 'Satan', 'doubt', etc, and they left us.
There is no easy answer here. We had some very good friends who were very good people, some the whom I still think we may never meet again. It's tough, but end of the day it does get easier and you do slowly find good friends outside the cult...
Be ready to be dropped. WT articles say to not only to avoid non-JW's ('worldly people', I hate that term) but even avoid weak ones in teh congregation. Best thing to do is start a social network out the cult now, to have something to fall back on when the time comes. And on that note, most of our friends know we are former JW's, and know the story of all our friends dropping us, and they are all very respectful and supportive. This helps a lot.