This reminds me of the time I was studying with a guy who was a little too eager. He admitted to me he was having a masturbation problem. He had been living with this girl, they moved out from each other when they got into studying, and he was having a tough time not getting any on a regular basis.
I advised him not to sweat it. I didn't need to know about it and he could keep it to himself. I always felt that any of the brothers that I talked to (single) that claimed not to do it, were probably the biggest wankers of all. I can't imagine why the GB had such an obsession with masturbation and wracked so many people with guilt about it. I remember all of those ridiculous stories that it would lead to homosexuality etc... what a pile of crap.
I look back and realize as I am older now (early 30s) that your libido eventually balances itself out. In youth, your hormones truly rage. Masturbation was definitely a way for the body to test itself out.