I work with many Austic and spectrum disorder children and my observations come from nearly 100 and to date 43 show no more signs of their repetitive behaivors.
There are many factors involved, and you will NEVER find a root cause. I know their is a thread on the board about vaccines and yes that can be a piece of the puzzle but it is not sole cause.
The factors I have seen include:
Inherited (gene expression and enviornmental biowarfare crap like DDT, AO, etc,)
Nutritional defiencies and/or excess
Heavy metals
brain injury profile
brain local slow waves
The brain is my speciality and when the "chi" (yes scary unscientic word there) is not able to flow correctly the body simply gets stuck.
Chi works like a busy highway and when there is a car crash the traffic either stops or has to find an alternate route to get to its destination.
The body adapts to the stressor (heavy metals, yeast, etc.) causing the blockage and the body will always try to compensate.
The younger the child the easier it is for me, however I love my older high functioning kids, sometimes ignorance is bliss! When I look at all the years I suffered from this goofy religion I sometimes wish I could be ignorant of the all the lies.
Life lessons Huh?