I'm glad to have recently run into you again after all these years, sooner. I haven't been here long, but this is a great forum.
JoinedPosts by A.Fenderson
Do You Realize?
by sooner7nc inthat i love so many of you bastards so much.
many of you have helped me so much and shown so much love and caring for me and mom.
there are so many real gems on here.
Good name for a goldfish!
by Open mind indarwin!.
my wife got a darwin fish, complete with little footsies, not too long ago.
it graces our refrigerator 24/7 unless jws are coming over.
I had a Darwin fish on my car once--someone (I can only assume a loving Christian) vandalized it. :-(
mothers anguish over satanic son
by Weeping ina cape town mother is living in fear that she may lose her son to a demonic curse.. .
the frightened mother says her 12-year-old boy has vanished from home four times since an evil voice started luring him away.. .
local holy men say there are satanic forces at play, trying to steal the boy's soul.. .
If I was the most bad-ass and powerful evil spirit in all of existence, I wouldn't bother possessing people in positions of power or influence where I could really make some inroads and propogate my agenda of hate and destruction to vast swaths of the human race--nah, I'd make a 12-year old kid do a freaky pole-dance. Repeatedly!
What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?
by minimus ini know there are a lot.. one belief i never understood is that blood fractions might be ok for a christian but not "whole blood".
to me the "blood doctrine" is ridiculous from a scriptural point of view..
That black people could possibly become white through prayer.
New one on me, care to elaborate?
Convention Memories...
by darkl1ght3r inbrothers and sisters.
please take your seats.
the 2010 district convention of jehovahs witnesses is about to begin.
I would doze off during an especially boring talk only to be woken up each time the audience applauded.
I didn't remember how awesome it was to do this until you mentioned it--I freaking loved sleeping through the talks and not getting caught, and for some reason I actually liked getting woken up during the applauds--it was kinda like a reminder that I was getting away with it. And when we could get our dad to sit in the highest seats so we didn't freeze to death, all the better--no one behind you to see you nod off.
What Are Some Of The Dumbest Beliefs JW's Have?
by minimus ini know there are a lot.. one belief i never understood is that blood fractions might be ok for a christian but not "whole blood".
to me the "blood doctrine" is ridiculous from a scriptural point of view..
I had forgotten that one, nice: not screaming during rape (despite a possible gun to the head, etc) = consent. Awesome.
Newbie: Roll Call ---- Oldies Returning: Roll Call
by cameo-d ini have noticed a lot of newbies lately.
(i also noticed that after being absent for a year happy1975 is making a return visit.).
so, if you are a brand spanking newbie, post here and tell us a little about your interests, your state, your new direction in life, your favorite things, whatever you want to say---this is your thread.. .
"Word." (Imagine the second-nerdiest-looking white guy you know saying that, and you'll have an approximate mental image of me)
I'm relatively new here, and didn't lurk much before I started posting. I left the JWs in '97, "born-in", never baptised, but still some family in the cult.
Atheist, Leo/Snake/A+, Pink Floyd, long walks on the beach, cats, hazel, ~5'7", brunettes, liars, just the one time but didnt' really care for it.
random thought/pondering
by ana_dote infirst off, i just wanna say that i don't know how i feel about god, the bible, etc.
i'm in a major state of confusion, as i'm just newly out of the organization and coming to realize all the lies.
this has led to me questioning everything.. so the other day i was talking with a friend and had this interesting thought (i'll try to explain it as clear as possible without rambling or talking in circles and muddying up the concept lol).
OK, I read the OP and skipped most everything else as I'm not that interested in the theological debate, but the OP got me to thinking somewhat and here's what came out:
(This is all from the JW-type view of things, BTW--I know most non-JW Christians on here don't agree with the WTS interpretation of, well, most anything.)
So, Adam and Steve (Eve is a mistranslation, yes, it IS Adam and Steve!) were in the garden for like, what, a full week before they F'ed it up for the entire human race? They were perfect, and yet made a horrible mistake like right off the bat.
Given the above, and the fact that there will be millions (?) of people around the instant paradise-earth is reestablished, what's to make one believe that some other "perfect" human wouldn't F it up big-time, yet again, within say--five minutes?
If your answer is "Well, Satan won't be there, so it'll be all good," then you're admitting that it wasn't really Adam or Steve's fault in the first place, it was Satan's--I mean, they didn't know God from Adam (well, you know what I mean), they never saw God, but here's this talking snake they can see telling them the fruit's all good--if this was the first lie ever, and they didn't have the knowledge of good and bad, they didn't know what a lie was, and free will is a cop-out.
It'd be like taking a 5-year old, having their mom tell them not to each the chocolate ice cream that is sitting in a bowl in front of them because it's poison, then having their father come in and tell them to go ahead and eat it because it tastes good and it won't hurt them--and then condemning all of mankind from that point forward when the kid goes for the chocolate.
Do you have Brain Worms? Here's how to tell...
by Elsewhere inthere is a certain brain-eating parasitic worm that produces an odd symptom: it affects your dreams.. .
the following are typical dreams this parasite will cause:.
dreams about not fitting in your car comfortably dreams about driving from the back seatdreams about veering all over the road .
- Dreams about driving from the back seat
- Dreams about veering all over the road
Been there--give it to me straight, doc: am I gonna live?
I wish I could have met Samuel Clemens.
by John Doe ini liked the way he thought.
what author would you have liked to know?.
Nietzsche and Robert Anton Wilson.