JoinedTopics Started by A.Fenderson
I thought that witnesses were the only religion that uses this name
by man in black ini was browsing some of the businesses and schools that already closed since the big blizzard is going to hit tomorrow.. one thing caught my eye : .
jehovah lutheran school.
What video games were banned when you were a JW teen?
by BlackTwisted ini'm not a jw, but i'm kind of studying to be one though.. now that's out of the way, i remember mortal kombat was banned within my home-my mom isn't too fond of blood in video games..but yet, she plays dinosaur crisis sometimes....but then again, that was when i was 9...lol now that i'm 15 and i wanted mortal kombat 9 (still) my mom stil lsaid no...but then again, she would let me play it online..i dont know why..its strange, but hey, whatever works for her and me i guess.. .
um...lets see..any shooting games, or any games that has blood in it, she wont let me get.
so i can still play fighting games, just not the ones with blood...eh, oh well.i'm surprised she even let me play "dead or alive" and "soul calibur"!
I don't believe in it ...
by free2beme ini was speaking to an elderly man the other day and i offered a solution on something that said, "you should go to their website and.
" to which i got a response of, "i do not believe in the internet and wont have it.
" sitting there for a moment, feeling rather shocked at this comment, i realized this kind of response is common.
Something's been on my mind...
by Vidiot in..., and while i usually contribute in a thread that's already been created, i thought this particular topic might warrant it's own.. like many of you, on friday i was persusing the "concerned elder speaks" thread about higher-ed and the gb's ross/rachel relationship with it, and a couple of posts caught my eye:.
room 215 - "that's it, boys; alienate the remaining elders, drive them to resign and exacerbate the shortage already underway.".
baltar447 - "it's like they want fewer elders and servants.".
What is happening to JWN ?...So many topics not relating to Jehovah's Witnesses!
by koolaid-man innote the home page..wow how it has changed.. jehovah's witness discussion forumthe place to discuss anything relating to jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower bible and tract society... or just make new friends!.
many of the posts have nothing to do with with jehovah's witnesses and new ones coming on this board would be turned off by the content of many of these off color posts.
foul inappropriate language which is not proper or suitable for exiting witnesses to visibly inspect.
Smurf Rumors - 2 Questions
by A question inas the board no doubt knows, there was some sort of rumor in the early 1980s going around amongst the witnesses that a smurf doll came to life in the kingdom hall, or that smurfs were demonic.. 2 questions:.
1. do any not remember any such rumors though they were witnesses at the time?.
2. of those who do, did all the witnesses believe them, or otherwise, what proportion rejected the rumor as nonsense?.
Life changing books?
by iamwhoiam inwhat are some books you may have read that have changed your life?.
two of mine are: .
1. tao te ching version by steven mitchell.
How long did it take until you had that 'light bulb' moment?
by Crash Override inhow long did it take for you to realize that something was very wrong with the 'truth'?.
for me, it was about 2 1/2 years into studying.
i'm a guy and i'm attracted to both guys and girls.
Watchtower teaching - short summary
by kurtbethel ini happened upon a page the described:.
7 really weird religions you havent heard ofso i made the following comment.. when you look into it, the jehovah's witness religion is a bit odd.
their early teaching was that jesus showed up invisibly in 1874 and was going to come back in 1914 and destroy all the governments and churches.