JoinedPosts by PublishingCult
The Infamous May 15th 1984 Watchtower "1914: The Generation That Will Not Pass Away"
by PublishingCult in.
i do not know how the blogger who posted this infamous wt cover (5/15/84) got all the names of those who posed for this magazine cover, or whether the names are even correct, but if he got it right, man, what a provocative statement.. .
Bible joke in the 7/15/11 WT (for nonChristians)
by SweetBabyCheezits inthe watchtower ?
july 15, 2011 (p17).
10 pauls warning about false stories is part of his first letter to timothy, a christian overseer who was charged with preserving the purity of the congregation and helping fellow believers to remain faithful.
The Greek interlinear revealed no such word, or even close to it for 1 Timothy 1:18, 19. There is no way in hell a JW could go and verify the WTBTS is being truthful.
But I did go to the source sited, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, and this is what it had to say in whole:
fa'-b'-l (muthos):
(1) Primitive man conceives of the objects around him as possessing his own characteristics. Consequently in his stories, beasts, trees, rocks, etc., think, talk and act exactly as if they were human beings. Of course, but little advance in knowledge was needed to put an end to this mode of thought, but the form of story-telling developed by it persisted and is found in the folk-tales of all nations. More particularly, the archaic form of story was used for the purpose of moral instruction, and when so used is termed the fable. Modern definitions distinguish it from the parable (a) by its use of characters of lower intelligence than man (although reasoning and speaking like men), and (b) by its lesson for this life only. But, while these distinctions serve some practical purpose in distinguishing (say) the fables of Aesop from the parables of Christ, they are of little value to the student of folk-lore. For fable, parable, allegory, etc., are all evolutions from a common stock, and they tend to blend with each other.
(2) The Semitic mind is peculiarly prone to allegorical expression, and a modern Arabian storyteller will invent a fable or a parable as readily as he will talk. And we may be entirely certain that the very scanty appearance of fables in the Old Testament is due only to the character of its material and not at all to an absence of fables from the mouths of the Jews of old. Only two examples have reached us. In Judges 9:7 through Judges 15 Jotham mocks the choice of AbimeItch as king with the fable of the trees that could find no tree that would accept the trouble of the kingship except the worthless bramble. And in 2 Kings 14:9 Jehoash ridicules the pretensions of Amaziah with the story of the thistle that wished to make a royal alliance with the cedar. Yet that the distinction between fable and allegory, etc., is artificial is seen in Isaiah 5:1-2, where the vineyard is assumed to possess a deliberate will to be perverse.
(3) In the New Testament, "fable" is found in 1 Timothy 1:4; 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:4; Titus 1:14; 2 Peter 1:16, as the translation of muthos ("myth"). The sense here differs entirely from that discussed above, and "fable" meansa (religious) story that has no connection with reality--contrasted with the knowledge of an eyewitness in 2 Peter 1:16. The exact nature of these "fables" is of course something out of our knowledge, but the mention in connection with them of "endless genealogies" in 1 Timothy 1:4 points with high probability to some form of Gnostic speculation that interposed a chain of eons between God and the world. In some of the Gnostic systems that we know, these chains are described with a prolixity so interminable (the Pistis Sophia is the best example) as to justify well the phrase "old wives' fables" in 1 Timothy 4:7. But that these passages have Gnostic reference need not tell against the Pauline authorship of the Pastorals, as a fairly well developed "Gnosticism" is recognizable in a passage as early as Colossians 2, and as the description of the fables as Jewish in Titus 1:14 (compare Titus 3:9) is against 2nd-century references. But for details the commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles must be consulted. It is worth noting that in 2 Timothy 4:4 the adoption of these fables is said to be the result of dabbling in the dubious. This manner of losing one's hold on reality is, unfortunately, something not confined to the apostolic age.
Burton Scott Easton
So, the WTBTS completely got the reference wrong for the scripture cited, and is deliberately misleading the reader to the wrong conclusion about the cited bible passage.
THEN it merely offers "a (religious) story that has no connection with reality"without offering the complete idea which is "--contrasted with the knowledge of an eyewitness".
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
The Judge is God and the standard is the Word of God. My opinion is worthless unless it is true and biblical. Based on Scripture, I can say that a person who rejects the true Jesus (atheists, Muslims, Mormons, JWs, etc.) will remain dead in sin and condemned in the end. The authority is the Word, not my opinion (I am just more confidant in the perspicuity of Scripture, I guess). When the Holy Spirit reveals truth about Jesus, we know that we know. If one has the genuine, a counterfeit is easy to spot. Jesus did not compromise and water down His claims. Using your logic, Jesus and Paul were arrogant for standing firm on truth. Scripture encourages believers to defend and proclaim truth. Those who oppose it will make ad hominem attacks, but that does not free us from the responsibility to obey God even if men reject us. JWs have a similar attitude, but the difference is that they are false teachers (again, based on the Word, not my personal opinion/bias). Is it arrogant to have biblical convictions? In the face of error and wishy washy thinking here, the authority of thus saith the Lord is needed. Paul was bold and so was Jesus. This flows from humility, not pride.
Awesome! But wasn't that bearded Christian in the video attacking the JW's a total butt tool?
If One More Person Calls Me "Boo" LOL
by PublishingCult inseems to be the trend today to call another, a friend or loved one, "boo".
it was cute about five years ago when it was seldom used.. it's old, it's overdone, it's done by everyone, it should stop now.
find a new pet name you damned boo-hooers .
One of my dearest friends calls me "boo", and when he calls me that, I almost don't hate it because it has a sweetness to the sound when he says it, BUT I hear it used in TV shows, movies, overused in social sites. I know it's really an old term of affection and it belongs to the culture from which it evolved, and should not be used between acquaintances or ordinary friends, because it sort of implies a type of intimacy that goes a little beyond nominal familiarity between to two people.
Pet names are really annoying in the first place, and I live with "honey" and "sweetheart" when used appropriately, but "boo", hmmm . . .
It just sounds pretentious and meaningless coming out of the mouths of those who use it with everyone they know, and is one of the more obvious attempts at being trendy and reveals the disingenuous poser inside, lol, i dunno. It just irks me.
The "WOW!!" moment...Theocratic Ministry School was a sham!
by Terry ini just remembered something from long ago..... i moved to california in 1974 after i had been in "the truth" for 11 years, having full-time pioneered and also having served time in federal prison over the so-called christian neutrality issue.. i felt completely confident that my bible education was the best on planet earth.
i had honed my skills by door to door preaching, discussion, arguments and attendance at the theocratic ministry school.. i began working as an artist in a huge company that manufactured all kinds of art, sculpture and wall hanging.
the head of the artists was a wonderful young man, skilled artist and devout christian who took me under his wing.
The reason why the Theocratic Ministry School is a fail when it comes to teaching one how to teach the Bible is because it is not really any kind of a semenary whatsoever. It is a SALES TRAINING MEETING in which JW's (sales reps) are taught techniques for pitching and placing WT publications.
The organization is a corporation set up to make its money like a multi-level marketing company, not so much from placing mags and books with householders (retail customers) but from making EVERYONE in the company a distributor. 90 percent of WT consumers are distributors, and those distributors purchase product for both personal use and distribution every week.
7,508,050 JW's, all of which are said to be "publishers" and "ordained ministers" trained at the Theocratic Ministry School.
Each JW must have their own study copy. 7,508,050 copies automatically sold, boom.
7,508,050 copies X average contribution of (conservatively) .25 per copy = $1,877,012.50
2 issues per month (WT Mags) and 1 issue per month (Awake mags) would bring our conservative figure to $5,631,037.50 per month or $67,572,450.00 per year.
Since the Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide does not report how many publications are actually consumed we can only guestimate based on practical experience.
If each publisher purchases a total of only 9 extra magazines per month (6 WT and 3 Awake) to place out in field service, that would be a total of $810,869,400.00 per year in tax-free revenue.
$810,869,400.00 per year for magazines purchased by JW's for placement
$ 67,572,450.00 per year for personal study copies of those same magazines.
$878,441,850.00 could realistically be what the WTBTS collects each year for magazines alone.
This does not include books, brochures, bibles and tracts. We know the WTBTS does, I think, over a billion a year in tax-free revenue as a printing and publishing corporation.
JW's are the sales reps.
The Theocratic Ministry School is the sales training meeting that teaches the reps how to present and place.
If One More Person Calls Me "Boo" LOL
by PublishingCult inseems to be the trend today to call another, a friend or loved one, "boo".
it was cute about five years ago when it was seldom used.. it's old, it's overdone, it's done by everyone, it should stop now.
find a new pet name you damned boo-hooers .
Seems to be the trend today to call another, a friend or loved one, "boo".
It was cute about five years ago when it was seldom used.
It's old, it's overdone, it's done by everyone, it should stop now. Find a new pet name you damned boo-hooers
Just wanted to say.
Sometimes You Just Gotta Score One For the Cult Members
by PublishingCult ini really don't care much for jw's at my door, or at anyone's door.
this chauvinistic, fanatical bully-a-hole, however, is one of the worst examples of a christian i have ever seen.
the jw's handled themselves very well in the face of this ridiculous bullying and taunting by this so-called christian attempting to school the jw's about god and the bible.
Even the nicest Christians, who would never say this to your face, because they are so nice, are certain you are going to hell if you do not believe in their god, which is not very nice (if that is what their church teaches).
Whatever the case, whether a religion teaches hellfire vs heaven or simple everlasting destruction vs everlasting life pending faith and belief in an invisible diety whose existence cannot be proven, it is a fuh hucked up religion and provides a sweet little loophole for murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. Think about this: Because I do not believe in the Christian Jesus and that his death washes away my sin, and no matter what kind of a clean moral and ethical life I have lived, and no matter what good I have done for my neighbors, I will go to hell (or just die forever) while the child molestor can simply express faith in Jesus before he dies after living one of the most offensive kind of lives one can live, and is assured a place in heaven, happiness, love and peace forever at god's side . . . simply because he believes.
Fuhgged up. Backwards. Unjust. Retarded. Lunatic irrational bullshit.
I saw this video and thought the bearded douche was way around the bend and insane with Jesusititus. It is one thing to address doctrinal issues with the JW's AT YOUR DOOR when they come knocking AT YOUR DOOR, or tell them to get the fuck off YOUR PROPERTY, or whatever . . . but to follow them down the street like an insane hateful spiteful vindictive Jesus fanatic is, well, insane. It is not illegal to knock on someone's door to solicit, and I think every single JW should be made to purchase a solicitor's license (beside the point), and I am not saying they are not one of the top ten all time annoyances to people in their homes, but what this guy did was over the top harrassment. He was one old testiment verse away from being out of control Daffy Duck-style.
The JW's handled it pretty well, I thought, and sometimes, you just gotta score one for the cult members because you know what . . . ? In a world where all religion is lunatic bullshit, the JW's handled themselves with some admirable restraint.
The difference between the JW's and Christians like bearded douche guy is that bearded douche guy would gladly tie to a stake and touch the torch to the kindling beneath the bound feet of a JW, while the JW's would go like lame ass sheep to their own slaughter. Both ideas, crazy-ass.
I Haven't Much Time.
by compound complex ini haven't much time.
conflict is on the horizon, moving ever closer toward us.
our being a peace-loving people does not mean that we are weak and ineffectual.
Hey, look what I can do!
Hope For Mankind: God has had 6,000 Years To Do The Right Thing
by PublishingCult ingod has been "the hope" for mankind and its woes for centuries.
god has proven himself enept and feckless in bringing about peace, exemplifying love, and restoring humanity to a higher standard of goodness in which wars and wholesale murder of innocent children is not the default position of greedy politicians.
god's representatives have merely greased the rails of the run-away train that is government, and encouraged god's followers to be blind obedient slaves to a coercive ruling class that holds a very big gun at our heads.. it is time to shove the impotent old bastard over and let the new generation of atheist kids find real solutions to our problems..
God has been "the hope" for mankind and its woes for centuries.
God has proven himself enept and feckless in bringing about peace, exemplifying love, and restoring humanity to a higher standard of goodness in which wars and wholesale murder of innocent children is not the default position of greedy politicians.
God's representatives have merely greased the rails of the run-away train that is government, and encouraged God's followers to be blind obedient slaves to a coercive ruling class that holds a very big gun at our heads.
It is time to shove the impotent old bastard over and let the new generation of atheist kids find real solutions to our problems.
Bible joke in the 7/15/11 WT (for nonChristians)
by SweetBabyCheezits inthe watchtower ?
july 15, 2011 (p17).
10 pauls warning about false stories is part of his first letter to timothy, a christian overseer who was charged with preserving the purity of the congregation and helping fellow believers to remain faithful.
Let's see....
a talking snake
a talking donkey
half-demon/half-human hybrids who wreak havoc until a flood drowns them, along with any women, children who didn't board the giant wooden crate
a warrior who stops the earth's rotation
another whose strength is derived from his goldilocks, allowing him to rip young male lions in two
a man who splits an ocean, turns walking sticks into snakes, and is given two stone tablets while chatting with God on top of a mountain
a man who spends three days in a big fish spa, alive
a man who is born of a virgin, walks on water, makes insta-wine, and wakes the dead
etc, etc, etc....
Yes, but all THOSE things are REAL!