JoinedTopics Started by creativespirit
Once again I say goodbye
by mouthy ini find the board is getting very unfriendly of late.
used to be great to be aboard.
but the snipping that so many.
Annoying JW Vegan....
by lalaa inmy co-worker is a vegan and jw constantly talks about how healthy she is...blah, blah, blah....all day long and she's getting on my last nerve.
she's always posting how meat is murder on facebook and how all meat eaters are sooo uneducated.
funny since she dropped out of home schooling and never recieved her ged.
Great May21st doomsday article features JWs, too.
by moshe inso much good stuff this week- can a jw ignore the wt's place as the premier false prophet ?
print this out or email/send to all the jws/studies you care about.. -
case of poor judgment - us preacher harold camping gets it wrong againfrom correspondents from:ap may 22, 201112:00ambelievers warn of the impending doom that was due to arrive yesterday / afp afp.
...and then, something Amazing happened! (Don't view if you don't want to cry)
by Terry ingame winning homerun turns tragic - but then something amazing happenedwww.godvine.comafter this girl hit her first ever home run, she tore her acl running to first base.
just when tragedy was inevitable, something odd, yet amazing, happened.
watch this very touching video to see the inspirational outcome.
Were you 'alive in '75' and how was that year for you?
by punkofnice ini was a junior borgite in 1975. i remeber looking at the calendar at work in october and thinking: 'armageddon isn't here yet.....and it doesn't feel like it will be here anytime soon either!'.
i was surprised that jehovah hadn't obeyed the superior command to bring the big 'a' as instructed to him by fred franz.
how dare god disobey the jw leader!!!!!.
Are you an active Jw or an ex-jw?
by XPeterX inactive unbaptised publisher
(though i already know the answer for some people).
Witness movie "Heritage"
by exwhyzee indoes anyone remember seeing the witness movie called "heritage" ?
it was made in the early 60's and they used to show it once a year at the kh when i was a kid.
(with guilty minds, we were secretly glad to see the projector set up in the middle section of the hall because it meant we didn't have to sit through another long boring talk.. even as a little kid i could see the one sided propaganda basicaly showing how empty "worldly" peoples lives were compared to ours and if you were a witness your family life would be idyllic like on "leave it to beaver".
What Are You Reading?
by zoiks inok, here's my current list:.
i just finished the greatest show on earth by richard dawkins, and am almost finished crisis of conscience by...some guy.. currently in hand, i have:.
the power of myth, joseph campbell and bill moyers.
Video, 1958 DC NYC, talk by NH Knorr. 5 seconds of pure video refreshment!
by Open mind inhere's a youtube video of the conclusion of knorr's public talk at the 1958 intl convention combined yankee stadium & polo grounds.
you know, the dc that good jws are supposed to get all tingly about when you mention that 1/4 million of them were in the same place.
the whole thing is non-remarkable, standard, "ain't the new order gonna be great" drivel.. turn the sound down.