Check this out... (just add a space at the end of the link to make it clickable- Lady lee)
i'm looking to see if anyone has, or can point me in the direction of, a full pdf scan of the 1975 year book?
i've searched to no avail.
i've also looked at websites wtarchives and watchtowerdocuments, but i couldn't find anything.. i'm looking to support and show many of the great references leolaia gave in his paper on jw's and the cross.. .
Check this out... (just add a space at the end of the link to make it clickable- Lady lee)
i'm looking to see if anyone has, or can point me in the direction of, a full pdf scan of the 1975 year book?
i've searched to no avail.
i've also looked at websites wtarchives and watchtowerdocuments, but i couldn't find anything.. i'm looking to support and show many of the great references leolaia gave in his paper on jw's and the cross.. .
Perhaps someone else can make it clickable...
i'm looking to see if anyone has, or can point me in the direction of, a full pdf scan of the 1975 year book?
i've searched to no avail.
i've also looked at websites wtarchives and watchtowerdocuments, but i couldn't find anything.. i'm looking to support and show many of the great references leolaia gave in his paper on jw's and the cross.. .
I don't know if you will find a pdf for it perhaps check out ebay these yearbooks come along all the time...
we were always told how the demons .
we avoided 2 door cars because it was (obviously) not a good service car.. there are plenty of things that you might think of to add to the list of no-nos for jehovah's witnesses.
any others?
in an effort to increase the praise and honor to jehovah and jesus christ at the time of the memorial, the governing body has arranged for a special period of increased activity during april 2011.
you will be pleased to learn that during april 2011, publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers may indicate on the application whether they will be working toward a 30-hour or 50-hour requirement for the month.
this is a special arrangement for the month of april 2011 only.
Body of Elders Letter January 2050
Dear Brothers
If you can schedule 5 hours a month you will be considered an aux pioneer...
This is a trip...
this is a scanned picture from the japanese version "2011 yearbook of jehovahs witnesses.".
2010 grand totals:.
jw parents are put under enormous pressure if they want their kids to live.
if parents dont want their children killed they had better get their kids to spend 6 hours a day selling the watchtowers children book or else.
Yea and those children would now be in their 70's and their parents dead...
this is a scanned picture from the japanese version "2011 yearbook of jehovahs witnesses.".
2010 grand totals:.
Almost 5500 hours in field service for every baptized one...considering the vast majority are children of JW's you have to wonder what the other 1.5 BILLION hours accomplished besides fueling the dounut industry...
has bethel ever turned someone away for bethel service?
do you know of anybody personally?
i'm just wondering because i've never heard anybody turned down yet they act like it's some sort of special privilege..
I would imagine by the time someone applies they would have been fully vetted by the congo elders and the CO...