JoinedPosts by daringhart13
Head Count request, are you male or female? Lets count!
by asilentone inat her recent thread, changeling was asking us if there are more men than women leaving the org.
lets find out.. .
i am a male.
Youtube of the 'Remain in the Secret Place' generation talk at District Convention.
by ThomasCovenant inapologies if this is old news.
I can't believe I used to give those talks.
That has got to be one of the lamest.....absolutely RIDICULOUS things I've ever listened to.
By the way...I drive a car, which was invented by Henry Ford.....therefore, we 'overlap'.......and are part of the same generation.
When they cameraman scans the crowd....its the same old thing......half the people are day dreaming......the other half are passionately taking notes......
This new 'generations' change is an epic teaching..... and the greater majority can't tell you anything about it. Nothing. Nada. The speaker himself sounds less than confident...... like he is trying hard to NOT mess it up.
Were you suprised at how little the "world" knows about JW's
by donny ini was a jehovah's witness for 10 long years and during that time i developed the opinion that most of the world knew what we believed, but chose to ignore it and go about doing their own thing.
then in the almost 18 years i have been out, i have come to understand that the outside world knows very little about jw's.
other than they don't take blood transfusions and do not celebrate holidays, most people have no idea what we believe and only think of them as another offbeat religion among many.. did anyone else think that the jw religion was more known than it actually is?.
The sad thing?
Outlaw is so correct.......that even JW's could care less about missing JW's......
Remain Close to the Governing Body DC
by gutted ini just finished all 3 days of the dc and, for what it's worth, wanted to get down some of the highlights i enjoyed.
i went with family and i only did it for them, and hope to never attend another assembly ever again.. .
the whole thing was pretty boring and uncomfortable due to the stadium style seating which doesn't favour my long legs and ac being blasted too high.. .
Wow gutted......I'm really sorry. I feel terrible for you.
This was the first DC that I missed. My family went..... it was hard and I too have been in a depression most of the weekend.
Its all very sad. I wish I had something encouraging to say..... but I've walked away...
Have become seriously angry ...all of a sudden...
by Lozhasleft inanother thread has set me off ...the one about anniversaries ...and i read an extract that blondie posted on there....suddenly i am soooo bl**dy indignant!!!!.
why did we allow a bunch of men to dictate to us not only what we believed, but even how we parented our kids,and then even how we spent our free time?????
how could we allow this stuff?????.
We must be on the same cycle Loz........
I've had a weird weekend myself.......just angry.....mad as hell. My family went to one day of the DC...... that always makes me ill.
Were you suprised at how little the "world" knows about JW's
by donny ini was a jehovah's witness for 10 long years and during that time i developed the opinion that most of the world knew what we believed, but chose to ignore it and go about doing their own thing.
then in the almost 18 years i have been out, i have come to understand that the outside world knows very little about jw's.
other than they don't take blood transfusions and do not celebrate holidays, most people have no idea what we believe and only think of them as another offbeat religion among many.. did anyone else think that the jw religion was more known than it actually is?.
I'm consistently surprised how little JW's know about JW's....
99% couldn't tell you anything about the Bible
99% couldn't tell you anything about the history of their faith
Its shocking, appalling and generally pisses me off
What if WBTS is right?
by african GB Member inpeople, please don't be angry at me, but do you sometimes ask yourselves this question?
i do..
Will accept that you are in clear......CLEAR disobedience of the Bible as a JW? That JW's are nothing more than 'clashing cymbols? (1 Cor. 13)
That you're clearly going against the wishes of the 'founder' of JW' Students? (see Russell's will)
I appreciate your devotion...........but you continue to post without answering the many questions posed to you by several posters.
Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT follow the Bible. That should concern you.
Still Feeling Lost...What to Do Next?
by daringhart13 ini'm wondering how many of you still feeling a burning need to know god and have a relationship with him.. i am dealing with the horrible emotions of having faded, done some things that would be considered immoral, stopped praying (not sure i ever prayed right) and generally just feeling lost...... what have some of you done to get back on track?
i've been fading for a year and a half.
missing my first dc..... ugh.....having a crappy morning i guess...... just feel like i want to talk to god, but can't.. ironic, huh?
I want to thank everyone........very, very much. Having a bad weekend.......and it really lifts my spirits to see so many people willing to encourage me.
djeggnog......I appreciate your motive. In the true spirit of Christ, I'm going to see that you truly believe you're doing a kind thing....and appreciate that you would take the time to do it..... However my dear friend, your have been fooled. I was too......and gave my soul to the organization. Trust me.....I was all the way in........ please examine what clearly is in conflict with God's Word.
To each of the GREAT, fun, people here......I really appreciate your love right now. I'm going to go back and reread each post.....look up the scriptures....... I feel like Elijah after the test on Mt. Carmel......I know whats right..... but now I'm just running around in the wilderness.
Still Feeling Lost...What to Do Next?
by daringhart13 ini'm wondering how many of you still feeling a burning need to know god and have a relationship with him.. i am dealing with the horrible emotions of having faded, done some things that would be considered immoral, stopped praying (not sure i ever prayed right) and generally just feeling lost...... what have some of you done to get back on track?
i've been fading for a year and a half.
missing my first dc..... ugh.....having a crappy morning i guess...... just feel like i want to talk to god, but can't.. ironic, huh?
I'm wondering how many of you still feeling a burning need to know God and have a relationship with Him.
I am dealing with the horrible emotions of having faded, done some things that would be considered immoral, stopped praying (not sure I ever prayed right) and generally just feeling lost.....
What have some of you done to get back on track? I've been fading for a year and a half. Missing my first DC....
Ugh.....having a crappy morning I guess...... just feel like I want to talk to God, but can't.
Ironic, huh? I was the elder always giving the talks that made people cry.....look past their sins and seek Him. I can't even fix myself these days...... weird.
Newly Exiting JW's ( Last 5 years ) How are you Doing in Life? Let Us Know
by flipper inconsidering the fact we've had so many newbies here i thought it would be good to just open it up to you folks to see how life is going for you since you exited the witnesses ?
it's hard many times to move on- however with lots of ex-witnesses on the board here who have been through similar experiences - perhaps those of us who have been out awhile can give you someideas on how to move on in your post jw life to make it a little easier .
so fire away newbies and recently exited jw 's.
Struggling. I guess more with just being lost spiritually. I've had to cut people off due to MY stand...... they just don't get it. Servants calling up to complain about how 'weird' JW's are......that hand holding at meetings counsel got more play than the Generations did.....
I'm lost because I'm 42, no education, ...... having trouble adjusting to what to do next. I still have friends that are JW's, but I've mostly cut everyone off......
I feel like I'm going through the motions and sort of wandering.