Under jw.org/children.....become jehovah's friend...time to get ready.....they are encouraging kids to dress the doll up and get them ready for service!!!
My god......this is so sick
under jw.org/children.....become jehovah's friend...time to get ready.....they are encouraging kids to dress the doll up and get them ready for service!!!.
my god......this is so sick.
Under jw.org/children.....become jehovah's friend...time to get ready.....they are encouraging kids to dress the doll up and get them ready for service!!!
My god......this is so sick
did you decline out of fear?
decline because you hated doing demos?
accept the request graciously?
I used to have to beg people to do it.....they hated being my 'demonstrators'......nothing like those dry, dull presentations at 8:50 p.m. on a Thursday night........
.....sure to induce sleep.
i found a new fb/youtube group and this lady knocked me out she's good.
in this video there's a snippet that is priceless.
make sure you watch up through the montage starting at 21:30!
The Facebook page is growing in members.....LOL, as is mine Facebook/leavingjehovahswitnesses
nice enough gentleman.
the parts were pretty watered down.
mom asks him if he is ready.....did he clean off all the dirt?
Did anyone raise their hands and ask:
"Hey Sam....how come the angels will sit me next to a woman on a bus to give her comfort, but won't help me make it to the all important meeting on time?"
I honestly want to attend an assembly just to sit and laugh for hours. This stuff is so weird....and yet they all sit there nodding their heads.
My poor, kind hearted mother has asked the same thing of me many times.....she got the same answer: never.
Its the only thing that hurts my heart. They've had her locked up emotionally since that fateful day they found her; single mother of three; out in field service.
Can you feel my hate?
apparently the jws are doing a new handbill campaign.
they were just at my door and offered it to me with one of their heartless and scripted presentations.
the religion has just become so dumbed down.
It was very encouraging and kind of JW's to bring a message involveing 'death' to everyone's door during the holidays.
What an excellent bunch of leaders.
It's shocking how short sighted and stupid they are.
i see people mentioning this and have visited the site looking at all posted wt's.......i see no paragraph's discussing 'generations'....does anyone have any direction?.
THANK YOU!! I've been looking for those paragraphs in the Study Articles on their website.....and for some bizarre reason can't find them! Thanks for posting!!!
my question is, why do so many think the watchtower bible tract society is a cult?
Jehovah's Witnesses are required to follow the direction of eight men in Brooklyn, NY. To speak against their teachings results in being shunned.
i see people mentioning this and have visited the site looking at all posted wt's.......i see no paragraph's discussing 'generations'....does anyone have any direction?.
I see people mentioning this and have visited the site looking at all posted WT's.......I see no paragraph's discussing 'generations'....does anyone have any direction?
many friends i've spoken with are becoming discouraged.
because of this it's becoming tempting to privately share my views with friends, but i know this is still too dangerous.
most witnesses in my circle are intelligent free thinkers.
Can someone share where/when this next Watchtower article is? does is mention Generations? I would like to read it....thank you!