^ what Steve said above is all you need to know.
The vast majority of JW's couldn't tell you one damn thing about their religion. They show up twice a week, repeat what they hear and keep moving.
They choose to be ignorant.
so talking with my wife last night...i was explaining to her about a conversation i had with a person at work about end times.
he has a strange belief that some scriptures in isaiah perdict something huge is going to happen in september of 2015. she then states that no one can predict the future only the father knows and he is in a cult.
lol on the inside.. i then stated "what about 1914 and the dubs perdiction and what it means today" she said no there was never any predictions.
^ what Steve said above is all you need to know.
The vast majority of JW's couldn't tell you one damn thing about their religion. They show up twice a week, repeat what they hear and keep moving.
They choose to be ignorant.
a good way to get the jws doubting corporation leadership, is lower their morale in the governing body.
pointing out their stupidity, authoritarianism, delusions of grandure, and the depts of their wishful thinking bias done in such a way to overide watchtower inplanted prejudice.. highlighting the phobias they have of apostates, their attitude toward children as nothing more that corporation free labor denying them education and handing them over to pedofiles in the congregation be they elders or microphone handlelers.. signs about doctrinal issues are a waste of time but i can't deny that some may benifit but that's just getting them out of one cult and making them pray for another.
anyway the bible is too full of shit to argue doctrine, much better to stay away from it and proceed to spend more time get oneself free from that residual mind control you're still clinging to that's based in the bible.. what are your ideas?.
You're wasting your time with this.
They WANT to believe it. So they do.
oh the foolishness of youth.
there i was assigned to parking at the district assembly in montreal.
i was single, and in the full-time service.
Mmmmmmmm......desperate 'sisters' trapped in a cult.
Like fish in a barrel eh?
the watchtower says:.
9 while most major books of religion say very little, if anything, about god, the bible acquaints us with jehovah god and his activities.
it helps us to see the many facets of his personality.
JW's don't mention this because JW's don't read the Bible. They couldn't tell you anything about it's contents.
Hell....they don't read their own literature.
i watched this video this morning and in it, the person refered to the july 15 wt but does not say what lesson or page.
showing in the video where it says that 'jesus arrival to appoint the faithful slave over his belongings did not occour in 1919'.. on the jw.org website i downladed this issue and cant find where this is stated , i do not have that issue.. if someone can watch the video , its almost at the end, tell me id your issue says that.
if it is not at the jw.org website, and the statement is in the print issue then why would that be?
LOL......with this reference....is there any doubt that millions of people completely wasted their lives the past 100 years?
All of their 'authority' has been based on being chosen in 1919......but now they are saying he didn't choose them then???
the gb is guilty of the ultimate spiritual crimes.
blasphemy against god by claiming they "speak for jehovah".
they said it again recently in an article..that they speak the words of jehovah and we should listen to those words.
How do they believe this stuff?
It's simple: ........... they want to.
i believe the organization is already easing up on disfellowshipping people for apostasy.
they know most doubters just want to be left alone.
disfellowshipping them turns them into martyrs.
It won't ever happen.
They KNOW DFing is wrong...they've known for a very long time.
The problem?
People have killed themselves over this 'doctrine'.... to go back on it will invite lawsuits and a major league defection.
It won't happen.... it's their only weapon.
in the last 6 months my family and i have stopped attending cold turkey.
it is incredible to me to see how our so called friends have dropped us like we were a snake covered in spiders.
we actually havent really said anything to anybody about why we stopped.
You saved your children. You sir, are a great man.
after the 1975 "we did not say point blank armaggeddon was coming we only suggested it might come" fiasco what is the new date jws are "hinting" at for armaggeddon?
i know now they do not point to any specific date but hint that maybe it might occur such as before 2000 the preaching work will be finished.
this is a suggestion not a prediction so they can wiggle out of this one.
LOL....hey Data Dog....ME TOO
I remember panicking at the end of Empire Strikes Back and telling my Book Study Conductor that I was worried I wouldn't get to see if Han Solo got our of the permafreeze Jabba the Hutt put him in.
I wish I was joking......I'm not.
That is truly one of the most disgusting and disturbing things that organization has ever done.