The VAST majority of JW's can't tell you a damn thing about what they believe or would die for. Seriously, you're wasting your time to discuss 1914 ......those still in have NO clue what it was about. They just keep showing up on Sunday's because everyone else does.......
JoinedPosts by daringhart13
1914.... current significance?
by NeverKnew init seems that when i ask witnesses questions about 1914, they really don't understand the relevance to their message today.
i am told that they preach about the coming kingdom and that they don't preach a message of 1914. if a person doesn't understand 1914 then i can clearly see how showing them the inaccuracies of the doctrine wouldn't matter.
can we compile a list of ties 1914 has to their current beliefs?.
The last video in the 2016 convention...
by problemaddict 2 an epic triumph is emotional manipulation.
bringing together all of the stories they told thus far and placing them int he "new world" complete with the little boy who was killed in a car accident coming back from the dead.. i have a good friend who is stuck in with family and plays the role.
he said everyone was crying, and the people next to him rated the videos by how many tissues they needed to dry their eyes.
To see this video is to understand the levels of evil this organization will go to. There will be many that are 'touched' by this video. "simple" people who just want health or a to see a loved one again.
It's all a fantasy. It might as well be a Disney movie.
It is this type of messaging/imagery that should convince anyone on the fence how evil this organization is. It is not a passive decision to remain a JW.... they are teaching many damaged people an outright fantasy.
Will Bro. Rogers be DF'd posthumously for drug addiction?
by ShirleyW insome have been df'd for suspicion of smoking cigarettes, yet bro.
rogers death is because of an addiction, fentanyl is what they are saying is the drug that did him in which was reported on the news as being more potent than heroine.
why is it that some nosy sister can report you because someone who looked like you was in the parking lot the same time as she was, yet bro.
They had that 'memorial' at the KH rapidly........and I would be it was by design!!!! They knew this may be coming and they wanted it all out of the way so as to claim 'oopsy' can bet the Bethel elders were contacted on this situation.
Such a bunch of scuzzbags.
If Jehovah hates magic, why is it ok to go to Magic theme parks such as Disneyland the Magic Kingdom and not be disfellowshipped for it?
by Greybeard inif jehovah hates magic, why is it ok to go to magic theme parks such as disney land the magic kingdom?
i grew up a jw and we all went to disney land and magic mountain.
if jehovah hates magic then why are these places not forbidden?
I wrote an entire blog on this exact subject. It is insane:
Why it's a waste of time talking to JW's
by Phizzy ini believe it to be a waste of time talking to, reasoning with, jw's if you expect any kind of quick result.. many of us when we first wake up think that 'coz ttatt is blindingly obvious to us, it will soon get through to our jw loved ones.. this simply isn't so for a couple of important reasons.
the first is that, if someone believes something is true, or the truth, to them it really is, without doubt, true.
so whatever you say must be wrong somehow.. the second problem is that jw's simply do not have to use, or pay any attention to facts and logic.
Trying to 'help' a JW is a complete waste of time.
I think almost every ex-JW goes through several stages....with one of the first being "I'm going to help others get out"
It doesn't work. They embrace ignorance like most people do oxygen. Cults attract certain types of people....and until those people have something that jolts them into taking a closer look......they will ignore fact, logic, ....even love.
I honestly believe websites such as this....all the books and bios......they are to help those that have seen "TTATT"......not those still in......
What were you never going to do in "This system" But did it?
by karter infinish school.. finish my apprenticeship (why are you doing that brother karter you will never finish it in this system).. buy a house.. pay the house off.. karter..
Enjoy sex with many more women than 'one'
Suffering and existence of God
by elbib inmany people find it difficult to reconcile suffering and existence of god.
it seems they feel that it is god’s obligation to shield humans from ill-effects of their short-sighted acts..
people’s hobby has something to do with this kind of reasoning!
Who is this 'god' you speak of?
The same one watching innocent people tortured, raped, maimed, molested, starved, beaten......with the power to stop it.....but just keeps watching?
RC 2016 Leaks & Releases
by wifibandit inin an effort to reduce the number of posts, this year i will try to add links to this post.
now, on with the leaks & releases!
first up....
I didn't realized elders made shepherding calls during EASY times, much less during so much duress.
I can't stop laughing at this garbage. Seriously, even if I was still in....this would have me laughing hard.
I cringe when I think about the talks I gave.
by James Mixon inyou brothers who gave talks do you thinks about the crap you spoke from the platform.. thirty years old, no knowledge what so ever of the world we live in, barely making the grade.
to graduate from high school, a year and half in jc college and now with schooling of jw higher.
education i thought i was a hell of a speaker.
You just hit a nerve.
I was the 'go to' speaker for everything in the circuit. Whether public talks or local needs.....I really knew how to 'yank the heart strings'..........sometimes I just sit back and laugh at the thought of it all. All those endless nights coming up with the next, heart rending illustration ....... had to get people shedding tears!
So absurd. So incredibly absurd.
Where did Jehovah go ?
by Deleteandrestart infor the many years i was mentally " in " the congregation, i equated the organisation as interchangeable with the persona of jehovah, in effect whatever the organisation said or thought, that was what jehovah thought and that was what jehovah said.... it was that simple.
so when i found out the ttatt and the cynical moves of the organisation over the years,including 1975 , the donation arrangements, the united nations, etc i was devastated and thought " where's jehovah in all of this?".
the god who i'd poured my heart out to on many occasions and who i thought was silently listening and hearing my pleas ..... was not there , .
To borrow the words of the stellar prophet Elijah....."maybe he is sitting on the toilet taking a dump"