Welcome.......sorry to hear about the difficulties you're enduring.
JoinedPosts by daringhart13
Making the leap - lurker to member - Hello!
by Hadit inive been lurking here for the past couple of months since i started researching the organization.
i dont have many people to talk to and its been a saving grace to read your posts.. i dont really know where to start so here i go.
its been a long journey getting here and it looks as if i still have a long ways to go to get somewhere healthy, stable and strong.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Odrade.....I can vouch for the things you learned later on. I watched it on BOE's all the time. Its very corrupt.....and I'm amazed that there are still those that believe it is 'holy'.......its not even close.
As the joke goes, what do you get when you put a window washer, janitor and carpenter together? A judicial committee!!
Your dad is a rare brother in the Truth.....is he still in??
Forgive me, but I was roaring on your next to last paragraph!! I had to deal with several of those 'incidents' you mentioned...... it was so gross....and I still wouldn't go near some of those couples. And YES....if people only knew about some of those 'elders' that are currently serving in the Pac NW that liked to beat their wives up.....both physically and verbally.
Its all so absurd when you think about it. At my last DC, I saw one of them giving a part at the Rose Garden....... I just shook my head.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Wow Odrade.....that really is sick. Why would any woman put up with such an arrangement?? Who are these controlling guys??
Sick, weird stuff...... I'm glad to be free of it.
Can you post that RR? Thanks!
How did you treat people?
by captain indo you ever feel guilty about the way you pre-judged others when you were a drone?.
i feel guilty about it every day!
people's lives are so complex, we know so little of their personal struggles and "thorns in the flesh" yet we're conditioned to prejudge on a checklist of criteria published by a few men in new york.
I got counseled more than once for talking to DF'd people.
In fact, I would call them on the phone.....even gave them a ride to meeting if they needed it.
Yeah.....I was 'bad'
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
I have to be honest.....you're story makes me angry. You've been robbed.....lied to. It makes me sick that you have to be in that situation....not by choice, but by coercision.
I'm so sorry...... I'm in my 40's as well..... I know it must be frustrating.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
LOL @ restrangled.
I don't know how long you've been out...... but not all of us were overweight, balding, uneducated guys. Guys come from all walks of life......some are computer wizards, others are former athletes......
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
LOL.....I'm originally from SoCal......still visit a lot.
I'm sorry you've been through that my friend..... but I wish I could say I'm surprised. I hope you're able to find a nice girl to spend your life with...... for me, I've decided that most definitely is not a JW girl.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
As sick as it sounds, I find 'some' comfort in knowing that has happened to other brothers as well.
I don't know what a lot of brothers do, because I am a man..... so I suppose the ladies here will have to provide that insight. But I can absolutely tell you what the 'sisters' do........ and it is really something else.
Its a sad state of affairs. But its a religion that has everyone so repressed, they are ready to explode.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there inalmost all woman want to get married and have children.
if you are a faithful jw woman there is a good chance this will never happen.
70% of jw are woman and 30% are men.
Thanks Odrade and yKnot,
I need to start over......and I apologize to all. I've chaired thousands of committees....starting at 27 years old. I apologize......I know my viewpoint is damaged and to be very upfront, I see a counselor (ironic huh?) for my time as an elder.
I'll try to recognize when I'm stepping out of bounds....... I do love women...... and having a great mother and being privy to so many unhappy marriages for two decades..... has messed with my head. I know it.
Thanks for understanding. And I apologize to all. This is part of the fall out of being an elder.