Almost all woman want to get married and have children. If you are a faithful JW woman there is a good chance this will never happen. 70% of JW are woman and 30% are men. If woman are faithful to JW and will only marrie a brother, That means that 40% of the sister can not get married and there fore will lead a lonly and depressing life.
Some thing for woman to think about
by is there help out there 82 Replies latest jw friends
My sister went to a Dub wedding two week ago, where the bride was 35 years old and the guy was 20. I guess she had chased everything with two legs in the circuit, and none of the guys were interested, so she somehow managed to get this one.
Personally, I'd rather be single than to get married out of desperation to someone I didn't love and respect. Unfortunately, I know too many who do just that, only to find out that being married to someone that you're not compatible with, or who is irresponsible and immature, isn't cracked up to what you were expecting it to be.
I very well understand that this wouldn't be easy to do, and perhaps even unfeasible, but I see that the large army of women witnesses could indeed bring about change if they refused to submit to marrying only another witness.
not a captive
Yes, I know a young widow with two young boys that has been lonesome and miserable for the 20-odd years since she was baptised. It makes me cry. She wanted a mate. She fell for a non-JW and was DF'd then came back. All alone.
Being a JW in many ways is worse for women, why do I say this because:
1. As you say your chances of finding a descent partner who you are truly compatible with are very low if not nonexistent
2. You have no status or position and as such no voice
3. Are treated like idiots by the men (particularly Elders and MS's)
4. Are expected to pioneer, clean the hall, visit the sick etc because you have nothing else to do (so say dumb ass Elder & MS's)
5. Have to dress, walk, talk etc to please others, heaven forbid you should stumble someone by showing a bit of leg or too much cleavage
I could continue, but you get the picture.
Almost all woman want to get married and have children.
I don't think the desire to be married and have children is exclusive to women I just think we perhaps voice our feelings on the subject a bit more.
I used to think I didn't want either, but have ended up very happily married with two beautiful sons who I adore funny how life turns out.
I have tried to figure out why any woman w/a working brain would want to be a dub..Cant find any reason.
It`s better to be Alone..Than to Want to be Alone.....Purple Sofa
..................... ...OUTLAW
This is what started the desire to fade for me. A lot of the sisters are waiting for the new system for their opportunity to marry and have children. But, when one reaches a point in their life and realize all the sacrifices were for nothing. And you just wasted time and a lot of lost opportunities. It's just sad and I can't do it anymore. I'm 37 now, and I don't plan on continuing waiting to start the life I always wanted.
Its one of the saddest things in that entire organization. I feel TERRIBLE for most of those nice girls that would like to meet a good guy.....
Something for the guys to think about: JW girls are the worst girls I've ever met. Entitled, slanderous, derogatory......all in the name of God. Its like a poor man's country club for bitches. Yeah, I said it. The married ones are among the worst......they know NOTHING about their own 'religion'..... they got their husbands over barrels, treating them like garbage....all the while knowing he is STUCK or will have to get DF'd and humiliated to get away from her.
I cant' even begin to tell you about the elder's wives that refuse to have sex. There are elders in their 30's that haven't had sex in YEARS. The wife laughs...... she knows he can't do anything about it....unless he wants to lose everything.
At one time I had EIGHT married "sisters" wanting to fool around.........yeah, you read that right.
This doesn't even cover how horrible a lot of these women are to their children......gross neglect, etc.
If I were a guy....I would RUUUUUUN from JW women........they are honestly the worst collection of non-character women in the least in the U.S.