LOL....this BANE guy is hilarious.
Bane, Bane, Bane......don't even attempt to compare your wife to the women here. The majority of witness girls are complete trainwrecks due to being taught to be entitled, look for a guy with a 'title', not take care of themselves and no education.
I've never seen so much cheating by married women as I saw as a long time elder in the "Truth".......if they weren't cheating, they were laughing at their husbands for actually wanting sex.
You're delusional.
As for being single in the Truth.....its a private hell for both genders. Its particularly hard on those good sisters who would like to meet a normal 'brother'....... good luck......most of these guys would rather be playing video games in their underwear or go to the other extreme by being overbearing drill sargents.
Being single in the organization is a private death sentence.