Thank's prettygrudger
I'll be e-mailing you soon!!!
when i read this it remined me how often i felt i wasn't doing good enough as a jw and how i wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.. you know jesus was jewish while on the earth and now and again i look into thier beliefs.. i could never abandon our savior and lord christ jesus,but often i like the teachings i find.. the site i got this from is a bit too political for me...but they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.. rabbi yochanan ben zakkai asked his disciples, 'which is the way to which a person should cling?
ethics of the fathers (2:13) .
the great chassidic master, rebbe levi yitzchak of berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of tishah b'av.
Thank's prettygrudger
I'll be e-mailing you soon!!!
do you see the pattern?
wt october 1, 2002 jehovah blesses and protects those who are obedient
p. doubt prior to and during that time, gods people will experience major tests of their faith and obedience.. wt october 1, 2002 cultivate obedience as the end draws near.
LOL....Ty jgnat for making fun of me on a public forum that sooooooo many people world wide READ!!!!
LOL Just kiddin....I can take it bebe
I look forward to reading more of your posts.......
For you dear jgnat.......
i strongly urge you to look at and download the document called "lying in court - theocratic warfare strategy" - over at
this is a lengthy and careful analysis of the watchtower society's practice of .
deliberate lying to the public - and in courtrooms.
Can you imagine if The Apostle Paul was such man when he was before the ROMAN COURTS?
Why would one need to LIE when they are doing JEHOVAH'S Work?
What kind of a name would that give our God?
I never understood Mormon's when they did it as thier Profit suposedly speaks to The Christ and other I would think why did they need to lie and why oh why did UTAH Become a state and give up certain beliefs because the U.S. Army would invade other wise? I mean they clamed God's Backing....Hmmmmm
If you have the backing of THE TRUE GOD you do not need to lie!
Moses Faced Pharoah And PULLED NO PUNCHES!!!
When facing Goverments who answer to The Creator in the end for the Treatment of His People.....You NEVER Need To Lie......You Tell Them Like It Is.
You Will Know Them By Thier Love
tr's expression 'hovah.
which he picked up from a friend that used to call him that set me thinking about the things that i got called when i was a jw kid.
one term of abuse was "jew" which is weird and creepy.
My children's Father used to call us Drumroll please DRrrrrrrrrrrr
Which he found very funny and I have a good sence of humor so I would kinda laugh too!
But I was not a children hated this and would make faces at him
i've been nursing a concern for my step son, and there ain't much i can do to prevent what's coming, or what i think is coming.
we're going home to illinois in about a week for christmas.
sean, my step son, was a jw but is now in classes and expects to be baptized into the catholic church in april 03. here's the hitch.
You know it may sound WRONG but you could always tell Sean if he is nervous or uncomfortable with the visit he does not have to go and you will back him up!
He is 20 and therefore does not have to be in any confrontaional situations he does not wish to be in!
If they kicked him out then they have no patience for him!
My own son's father has no patience and will have a fit of rage at the children for the smallest of things among other problems this man has) and so even though my children are minors I said NO WAY was he being alone with him!
So even on the divorce decree it stated Mother FULL Custody and all visits at Mother's DESCRETION! I sit in on every visit!! A very dificult task but, worth it for my children.
When my children are older they can choose for themselves....often I am told they will stop visiting him but, I don't believe this....I have brought them up to Honor thier Father no matter what his problems but, that they do not have to let him hurt them and put up with it because they are children.
Sean can choose now....he no longer needs to be under this mans POWER and CONTROL!!
You seem Yerusalyim a man who would back him up...which with his challenge he would very much need.
Sean does not need to spend hours on end with his father to honor him....he can have small visits and calls......but never does he need to be in this man's Little Kingdom Of Rulership.
At least not at 20 does he.
Hope all goes well Sir
when i read this it remined me how often i felt i wasn't doing good enough as a jw and how i wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.. you know jesus was jewish while on the earth and now and again i look into thier beliefs.. i could never abandon our savior and lord christ jesus,but often i like the teachings i find.. the site i got this from is a bit too political for me...but they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.. rabbi yochanan ben zakkai asked his disciples, 'which is the way to which a person should cling?
ethics of the fathers (2:13) .
the great chassidic master, rebbe levi yitzchak of berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of tishah b'av.
Yes Yerusalyim,
I love alot of Jewish teachings and My son's therepist is Jewish....she says to me she believes I was destined to marry an Orthadox Jewish Man I don't know...only Jehovah knows.....But still I have let her know I could never abandon Yeshua (Jesus) Who died to save us all.
So I will have to wait for my destiny and be happily surprised
when i read this it remined me how often i felt i wasn't doing good enough as a jw and how i wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.. you know jesus was jewish while on the earth and now and again i look into thier beliefs.. i could never abandon our savior and lord christ jesus,but often i like the teachings i find.. the site i got this from is a bit too political for me...but they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.. rabbi yochanan ben zakkai asked his disciples, 'which is the way to which a person should cling?
ethics of the fathers (2:13) .
the great chassidic master, rebbe levi yitzchak of berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of tishah b'av.
(((hugs))) Pretygrudger!
Yes our guys are a challenge but very rewarding! As you already know!!
I would love the information!! And the school district...ever slow...will evaluate him in the new year.
Already he has speach therapy with a wonderful woman and his father has excellent insurance and so what the school doesn't supply they will. We are very blessed this way.(Now hopefully his father will hold this job that suplies such insurance)
Thank-you so much for your suport to us.......for you grudger
C-U Later.....
since coming here i found many here are like me....they have an autistic child.
one woman who's work with animals has helped the autistic is dr. temple grandin....who her slef is autistic.
one of the amazing things of the autisitc is that 3d picture is thier 1st language not the spoken word.
Since coming here I found many here are like me....they have an autistic child
One woman who's work with animals has helped the autistic is Dr. Temple Grandin....who her slef is Autistic. One of the amazing things of the autisitc is that 3D Picture is thier 1st language not the spoken word. Here is Dr.Grandin's article on that subject.
It was after reading an article that she wrote we were able to reach into my son's mind even more and get a connection with him like we never had before.
I am very grateful for this woman, her work, her abilities to share her experiances You can read more about Dr.Grandin at the links below.
Hope you enjoy these....
Utopian Raindrops
bye bye 4 now
when i read this it remined me how often i felt i wasn't doing good enough as a jw and how i wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.. you know jesus was jewish while on the earth and now and again i look into thier beliefs.. i could never abandon our savior and lord christ jesus,but often i like the teachings i find.. the site i got this from is a bit too political for me...but they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.. rabbi yochanan ben zakkai asked his disciples, 'which is the way to which a person should cling?
ethics of the fathers (2:13) .
the great chassidic master, rebbe levi yitzchak of berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of tishah b'av.
((((((hugs))))) grudger for your wonderful reply!
My son is also Autistic.....he was misdoagnosed at 1st and some of his behaviors made other adults want me to spank him...which I refused! I hate spankings...instead I found other ways...and tried always to be positive. He is my happiness and joy and I never wanted him to feel unloved.
I felt spankings were the easy way out for the moment and was short lived solution where as teaching......instruction was the best way...although taking much more WORK! Sometimes,I call it mental wrestling.
With my son I did not understand all his behaviors since he was diagnosed hearing impared and well you have an autistc son so you know! Still I always found away to work with him.
For instance b4 KH on Tue. and Wed. he wanted the dishes in the sink done and would have a fit. I knew he wanted them done because he would scream and point (also even though he had/has delayed speach I some how know what he wants).On meeting night so we'd be on time I would put house work of till we returned. At 1st I tried to have the house in order b4 leaving but, I didn't like all the hurry.....I am relaxed kind of person..... I said forget it I will do things my way.So said to my son we are going to get ready and go. He would continue to object in his usualy way while I would just dress him and carry him out to the car....put him in the car to KH him still protesting..... take him out of the car...walking in with him still having a my other 2 kids to thier seats.....go sit in the bathroom or the library and set him down...I'd watch him keep protesting untill he'd relize where he was........he'd look up at me....rub his eyes....take my hand and we'd go to the main hall and sit with his siblings. Many wanted me to spank him but, I would not do this at KH! I said I wanted my children to feel about KH the way King David did! I did not want them to think of it as a place they went and got spanked at! Besides in time...(over a year of this) he understood we were going that is it and would cooperate
Anyway, in time we thought maybe he had ADD and I was fortunate to see on PBS(my fav station) a program about an Autistic woman , Dr. Temple Grandin.She has her degree and is a very successful woman. I saw how she made a machine for squeezing Autistic children and wondered if it would work on ADD. On my own I started to squeeze him when he would have his fit and whisper in his ear how I loved him...Jehovah loved him.....Jesus loved him..would list family members names who loved him....and I would explane to him what we were trying to do etc etc and this would calm him. We could then move on to the next step and have a meal....or color a picture...etc. It took 4 Doctors till my son got his correct diagnosis and realy only after I read an article in "Woman's Day" magazine of April 23,2002....artical called,"Labor Or Love" It was of mother's and thier special mother's son was just like MINE....and I was saying to myself this is sooooo my son!!
Yes it took till my son was 6 years to find out his challenge to over come!! I was so happy I believed in POSITIVE reinforment and not negative!! Also, now we know why Dr.Grandin's method worked so well with him!!
So far we are very blessed as his nurologist believes in alterrnative therapy and he takes a supliment...not a drug...(so important to me) is called CARN-AWARE. I started taking it with him so I could get an idea of what he might be feeling and I control his dose.....based on what I feel and what I see of his behavior....factoring in differance in size,etc. This suplement can be obtained at
Also, now I have learned of a place called ,The Institutes For The Achievement Of Human Potential"
I am going to be getting thier books and maybe attend thier seminares if needed. My understanding is they are non-profit so this I think is good.**link below**
It is always nice to meet someone who understands anothers challenges grudger....thank-you.
((((((hugs))))) agape,
bye bye 4 now
when i read this it remined me how often i felt i wasn't doing good enough as a jw and how i wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.. you know jesus was jewish while on the earth and now and again i look into thier beliefs.. i could never abandon our savior and lord christ jesus,but often i like the teachings i find.. the site i got this from is a bit too political for me...but they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.. rabbi yochanan ben zakkai asked his disciples, 'which is the way to which a person should cling?
ethics of the fathers (2:13) .
the great chassidic master, rebbe levi yitzchak of berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of tishah b'av.
When I read this it remined me how often I felt I wasn't doing good enough as a JW and how I wish such a peaceful message was what the sheep shared.
You know Jesus was Jewish while on the earth and now and again I look into thier beliefs.
I could never abandon Our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus,But Often I Like The teachings I Find.
The Site I Got This From Is A Bit Too Political For me...But they have a daily wisdom has kind of replaced my daily text......this one is one of my favorites so far.
Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai asked his disciples, 'Which is the way to which a person should cling?' Rabbi Eliezer said, 'A benevolent eye.'
Ethics of the Fathers (2:13) --Consciously or unconsciously, we see that which we want to see.
The great Chassidic master, Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, once encountered a man who was eating on the fast day of Tishah B'Av. "You have certainly forgotten that today is Tishah B'Av," he said.
"No," the man said. "I know it is Tishah B'Av."
"Ah! Then your doctor forbids you to fast," Rebbe Levi Yitzchak said.
"I am in excellent health," the man answered.
This is vitally important in parenting. Children may become bad if they sense we think they are bad. In Positive Parenting, I note that we must learn to discipline children without making them feel bad.
We often catch our children doing something wrong and reprimand them. We must also "catch them" doing things that are right, at least three times a day, and praise them for it.
A wise person will develops his "benevolent eye."
When Rabbi Eliezer fell ill, his disciples visited him. They variously praised his teachings as being superior to the rain, to the sun, and to parents. Rabbi Eliezer did not react. Then Rabbi Akiva spoke up. "Suffering is precious," he said. R' Eliezer then said, "Help me sit so that I can understand what my child Akiva said" (Talmud, Sanhedrin 101a).
Looking back and saying, "See what I have accomplished" is vanity. Looking ahead and saying, "With the skills G-d has given me I hope to accomplish" is self-esteem.
Rabbi Eliezer dismissed the comments of his disciples who praised his teachings of the past. Knowing he was terminally ill, he had no hope of teaching again. Rabbi Akiva said, "You are required to do only what you can at any one moment. When you were in good health, your obligation was to teach. Now you cannot do that. But you do have the ability to accept your suffering with faith in G-d. That is now your obligation. Whenever you fulfill your obligation according to the circumstances you are in, that is all that G-d asks of you."
Rabbi Akiva's wise words finally brought comfort to Rabbi Eliezer.