I wrote and asked the bible students about the holocaust and this was their reply: Dear Friend: Christian greetings. Unfortuantely, the Witnesses in Europe, particularly in Germany adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the 1950s, up till then they were called "Ernest Bible Students", thus confusion with the independent BIble Students. Although the holocaust museum is aware that there were two Bible Student groups persecuted for their beliefs, they ave not made any chnages. Some of those listed as "Jehovah's Witnesses" are actually Bible Students, persecuted for their Zionist views. Hope this helps! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To me this is most insidious. I think the WTBS has enough martyrs without stealing others for their roster!
I am sure RR can fill you in on more.
Ty for listening.
For your bride.....