When the JW get angry, yell, stomp away, de-friend you from FB or in reallife. Is it because what you/I/we said to them is emotionally too painful to deal with?
I can question others' (worldly) people's beliefs and they don't freak.
sitting around the picnic table outside i just happen to mention to my sister that i heard that the watchtower org.
has tons of money held in offshore accounts.
When the JW get angry, yell, stomp away, de-friend you from FB or in reallife. Is it because what you/I/we said to them is emotionally too painful to deal with?
I can question others' (worldly) people's beliefs and they don't freak.
why did you do it?
i have done it on several occasions.
I don't remember ever deleting anyone. I have blocked news feeds from a few preachy people, but then a few weeks later I looked at their wall, and they had calmed down and I unblock the feeds..because other than that one broken record, they were pretty interesting, and I've blocked the games (that don't play).
just wanted to introduce myself.
i've been lurking for 3-4 years.. i was baptized in 1981 and served as a ms and regular pioneer for some time.
started fading around 7 years ago when we moved to a different part of the country.
....... how much of your conversation is "exie" stuff?.
for me, i don't have many ex-jw friends, but those i do have are brilliant friends and we entertain our partners a lot with ex-talk.
the spouses find our history a bit weird but fascinating..
I've been to several apostafests over the years, and I was heard very little JW/xJW stuff. Mostly we talked about where we were now in life. Or simply enjoyed the moment in time just talking and laughing about memories we could all relate too.
The very little JW referance that did come up would be like a women putting a napkin on her head and offering to say prayer before a meal. Or maybe someone would sneeze and someone would say bless you and every one chuckle.
I never heard any deep doctrine discussions. Or maybe I wasn't included on those discussions.
no, not the movie.
but my daughters final prom as a high school senior.
although to a jw parent, the real thing could be just a scary as the horror flick.
no, not the movie.
but my daughters final prom as a high school senior.
although to a jw parent, the real thing could be just a scary as the horror flick.
Awwww..that made me a little teary eyed. What fun! Enjoy.
love this!
gosh darn it!.
along with gol dang it, good luck and aw shoot!.
it gets a little ridiculous, doesn't it?.
I saw this recently on one of the threads that made me chuckle.... "Cheeses!" (instead of Jesus!). I like it.
I've heard my adult daughter say, "Cheese and Rice!!"..( instead of Jesus Christ)
clyde has a great answer.
he says, "no, i take my faith too seriously.
" he says that ends the conversation.
I say..Oh God, hell No!
when i was a teenager, twister was a popular game http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/twister_(game).
we had a couple of elders who used to bang on and on about how bad it was in local needs talks.
they seemed convinced that if a group of young people were playing twister, it was bound to descend into a mass orgy.
We were never allowed a Twister, Chess was considered a war game. Ouija was demonic.
and dodge ball..well I just sucked at that. so I said I wasn't allowed to play.
virgin: the world's best passenger complaint letter?here we reproduce a complaint letter sent to sir richard branson, which is currently being emailed globally and is considered by many to be the world's funniest passenger complaint letter.dear mr branson.
ref: mumbai to heathrow 7th december 2008. i love the virgin brand, i really do which is why i continue to use it despite a series of unfortunate incidents over the last few years.
this latest incident takes the biscuit.. ironically, by the end of the flight i would have gladly paid over a thousand rupees for a single biscuit following the culinary journey of hell i was subjected to at thehands of your corporation.. look at this richard.