Some people are long talkers. I have to tell my daughter, "get to the point" or she will tell me every detail.
Some people are long talkers. I have to tell my daughter, "get to the point" or she will tell me every detail.
if you don't believe me, watch my latest video debunking atheism!.
Nicely done.
You need one of these for your car.
egg and i were treated out to dinner three times last weekend by out of state visiting relatives.
just found out last night that they don't believe in tipping, at all!
we suggested the places to eat and frequent those places ourselves.
We always tip 20%.
At our favorite restrauant when we have our favorite waiters, we also leave a scratch off lottery ticket. Just for fun. You never know.
i apologized to snowbird in private for a insensitive and disrespectful comment i made on her "swan song" thread.
i told her i would post a public apology on the board if she wanted me to.
so here is my apology to snowbird exactly as i wrote it.. it's been brought to my attention a number of times that my comment to you on your "swan song" thread was offensive and uncalled for.
I always miss everything.
This board has a great search engine though.
Very nice apology.
i have noted many who are ex jw but now are 'born again' or have found the 'lord' telling how wonderful life is now.... i mean no disrespect to those who claim this, and are happy, i can understand i guess, leaving the wt but still wanting to serve 'god' but i just can't come at it.
we all know the story... life sucked, left the watchtower, found jesus, lifes great again.... what about my life?
some of you already know i am not christian and in fact are more anti god/religion than ever.. i was depressed, couldn't live up to the rules, faded out fast, left wife, lost kids, lost every single friend of 30 years, lost every material thing save the clothes on my back, lonely hermit for two years, adultery, disfellowshipped, crazy girl friend, one night stands... you might say life went down the toilet and i needed saving from myself.. wrong!.
as i have enjoyed reading everyone elses biogs here i thought it was about time that i put my own down.
i have thought about why i want to do this and whilst i can pretend it is for the better good and it will act as a warning for others thinking of joining the witnesses, actually i think it is because i think it is just because it makes an interesting story and as will become apparent a good part of my life i had to live a lie and i now find it really liberating just to be really open with everyone.. i also thought about how to write it.
was tempted to write it to the tune of the fresh prince but thought that might get a bit tough after about verse 38. then wondered whether i should do it in the style of one of those biography pieces in the awake but that would involve reading an awake to mimic the style and just couldnt be bothered.
Welcome, and thank you for sharing.
I read the entire story and was sorry to see it end so abruptly.
i understand that marriages between an older man and a much younger woman are a fact of jw life.
the reasons i have seen include the lack of an available prospect, of the fact that the older man has some power in the congregation and therefore marrying him is something like an advantage.
i wonder what the advantage can be, and i would appreciate any light on this (new or old).. but, how often does a younger man marry an older woman?
My husband is 18 years older. Next week we will celebrate our 17 years if marriage. We lived together for 18 months before we married.
He helped me raise my children, he's Papa to my grandchildren. Great husband and friend. Our relationship has changed over the years.
I'm planning on many many more years together. Can't imagine being happier with anyone else. Sometimes it just works out.
i have been reading this board for some time and would like to ask: why you come here and post?
what do you all hope to accomplish by being here?.
When I first came here, I'd been out of the JW's for years. I still accepted that the JW's was the "truth". I still accepted that I would be destroyed at Armageddon any day now. ...(but only because it was all I'd ever known.)
I came here to find out what was taking so long. And because I came to realize (manifesting in the form of depression and constant migraines) what a piece of shit god was, if he was going to destroy, my wonderful husband, children, and grandchildren because of a decision I made.
I realized that it may not happen..ever, and I needed to get on with my life. I stopped worrying, and started enjoying life. My depression and constant migraines lifted.
I read some amazing stories on this board. I met in real life some amazing, beautiful, kind people from this board.
Now I consider this a place to come to be the first in the know, of ANYTHING that is or could be happening anywhere in the world.
If there is not already a thread about something, ask..and someone will know the answer.
at her recent thread, changeling was asking us if there are more men than women leaving the org.
lets find out.. .
i am a male.
All female.
it's been reported that at the district convention of jehovah's witnesses in richmond virginia book bags are being searched!
if this is true, what would the watchtower org.
guns, explosives, apostate literature, recorders, who knows, but if this is taking place, the watchtower org.
The invitation that a jw stuck in my door that said, "Public Welcome" didn't say anything about being searched.
I have been to concerts and other events that it was told before, either on the ticket or upon registering that you could be searched.