thanks for the update.
Sounds like you are living life. Good for you. Be happy, take care of yourself and the people you love.
short review: the elders "invited" me to a friendly chat with 3 elders.
i told them since it's about my official status with jw's i request an official invitation in writing.
they denied it, and went ahead and kept the jc without me, notifying me that i'm df'd and if i want to appeal, send it in writing (btw: .
thanks for the update.
Sounds like you are living life. Good for you. Be happy, take care of yourself and the people you love.
just thought i would post something on a lighter note.. it was our group's turn to clean the kh following the sunday meeting.
an elder asked my husband to "look at the toilets", hubby went into the toilets came straight back out, said to the elder "they're still there, bye".
he then grabbed my hand and rushed me out the kh.. i think the elder was too gobsmacked to speak.. hubby said that they want obedience and to follow instructions accurately and he maintains that is exactly what he did!!.
I was told it was a privlidge to clean the hall.
For punishment I had to sit in the car while the rest of my family and the entire bookstudy group went in and cleaned the the KH.
she was chasing my car up the road.
i didn't notice her.
she is gone.. bts.
This happened to us one time. Our dog loved to chase our car. I always stooped the car and made her go home. My husband wouldn't, even though I had told him over and over, do not let her chase the car. He kept saying she's quick, she isn't going to get under a tire.
Well she did, he ran over her and felt really really bad. I was sad and mad I had told him so many times, don't let her chase the car.
She was a big dog, a collie. Her name was Sara,
It's been probably 15 years ago. But sometime I still remind him of the kinds of things that happen when he doesn't listen to me.
So Very sorry for your loss.
this would be both the intial investgatory meeting and judicial committee.
honest and straightforward, my own faults and errors included.
if so, i will take the time to write it up.
yes, please do.l
some of you know i have struggled with this for awhile.
i really do believe in marriage and the committment, however, sometimes enough is enough.. his endless preaching at me and calling me and my (adult) children satan has me realizing that this situation is not going to get better.
the other day he kicked my son out of the house for wearing a cap, in his car, with a skull on it.
Sorry your marriage has to end.
But I'm exited for your new life and adventures. Good luck.enjoy yourself!!!
i love reading the various pet names people have come up with for jws.
some i have seen on this board include:.
jws (obviously).
I was called a jaHObie.
i work for a real estate company.
i overheard two realtors talking about a client trying to buy a house and the client didn't have a social security number because of religious reasons.
i said..excuse me..but what religion is it?.
Thank you all for you input.
I had read where some consider the SS# the Mark of the Beast.
I thought the whole thing sounded suspicious.
Not only does this client susposedly not have a SS#, he also doesn't have a bank account and is going to pay for the home in cash.
It's a foreclosure home, and the bank that holds the morgage is insisting the the purchasor have a letter from the bank saying he has that much money. So he has to open a bank account to get the letter....which you have to have a SS# to do.
Now I'm thinking maybe it's drug money.
i work for a real estate company.
i overheard two realtors talking about a client trying to buy a house and the client didn't have a social security number because of religious reasons.
i said..excuse me..but what religion is it?.
Why would a futive want to buy a house? Wouldn't he just stay on the run.
i work for a real estate company.
i overheard two realtors talking about a client trying to buy a house and the client didn't have a social security number because of religious reasons.
i said..excuse me..but what religion is it?.
I work for a real estate company. I overheard two Realtors talking about a client trying to buy a house and the client didn't have a Social Security number because of religious reasons.
I said..excuse me..but what religion is it?
Neither knew. I asked, what religion COULD it be? They both again said, I don't know.
I thought, maybe Amish don't have SS#'s, but I don't know that for sure, and I don't know if they would buy a house in the city.
I looked on-line to see "what religions don't believe in having a social security number" and didn't find any Religions. I did find where they (the non-SS#) can't be denied a job for not having one, if the reason is based on their religion. But nothing about what religion it could be.
Anyone know?
or, to your knowledge, did anyone ever make any inquiries of your local elders as to your "spiritual health" and suitability for courtship?.
how'd that work out for you?.
I was warned about.