HA..look at me dance.
I also got my husband and grandchildren to dance along. We are the ones in the river.
HA..look at me dance.
I also got my husband and grandchildren to dance along. We are the ones in the river.
we had fun putting together our first artificial tree last week, it came out so pretty!
the lights and cheap ornaments just add to it.. we have been careful to close our blinds at night to avoid our jw neighbors from calling in the elders, that worked for a few days until we decided to go out for an early dinner and yes, i forgot to close the blinds!
as we drove up to the garage door i could see the tree in the front room and started to freak out a little.
I clicked on this link to see the picture of your teenagers with their first Christmas tree.
why can't i say something without someone immature trying to be a smart ass or trying to fight everything i say and use it against me?
comments welcome.
I've seen other people say that they felt attacked. Sometimes I think it's a misunderstanding, some people are just mean, some people think they are funny and they are not and some people are just dumb.
There have been times when something was said to me and I felt hurt.
There will be 20 positive posts and one negative post. Why did the one bad post affect me more then the all the good ones?
Now I see that the one that bothered me taught me something about myself.
i would like to thank everyone for the discussions that we've all had.
after all of them i have realized, all of you have made me realized that after all of the stuff i have been through, i just need a good friend.
and regardless of how hostile our discussion could get i have felt that you have all shared something with me that have helped me.
My goodbye wish for you: I hope you find true friends that accept you for who you are. Friends that love you unconditionally. Friends that are there to just be quiet and listen when you need to talk. Friends that will hug you when you need a hug.
i'm not da or df and for some reason i can't bring myself to da just yet.
but i'm living in terror.
today it something came up that reminded me.
I would not send them a letter. I would just go about my life as if I'd quit that Gym Membership at that club and joined one closer to my house and more fitting to my needs.
If you think they will show up at your door and you might be caught off guard, write a letter and keep it next to the door to hand to them if they show up.
here's the template of questions to use ready to copy / paste and complete.
feel free to add suggestions for additional questions and to nominate people you'd like to read about (but not no one is obliged to do one).
also, add your own story too!.
saving for later use.
i'm visiting my brother and his family in virginia for thanksgiving.
as i was looking out the kitchen window today, saturday, waiting for my sister-in-law to finish talking with my niece on the phone, i noticed an older couple in thick coats going to different houses in the cul-de-sac.
as i was watching the older couple and thinking about what i would do if they rang the door where i was and if they were jws, the door rang.. at the door were two older african-american women.
We were just at the flea market and I walked upon a JW booth with one man. I was stunned and stopped. I looked at the table and at him. He kept repeating, "They are free." He had no presentation. I was so shocked seeing him there, a million things went though my mind. Like WTF, I had to walk outside door to door in a skirt and stockings. I had to "street and business" witness, there was no sitting in a booth at the flea market. There wasn't even a bible in sight. If I did not know what that was I would have no idea it was Jehovah's Witnesses or religious propaganda.
I was a little bit pissed. I walked away. Stopped and looked back. I told my husband and he walked back to take a peek, and I took a picture.
Next time I'll be prepared.
Very cool. Happy Birthday to you both.
I've been celebrating for a few years, I still feel awkward when everyone is singing. Standing there, smiling looking around. Everyone looking at you.
Wait until someone gets you in a restrauant and the entire restrauant is looking at you and clapping. At least at the local Mexican restrauant they give you a shot of tequila first.
what will living be like after 5 billion years?.
I was all for living forever until I heard that we would continue to have meeting to go to forever in the new system. f-that!
cuz they feel like they're banging their heads against a wall.. i don't really fall into the category of atheist or believer, but i'll go where the facts lead me.
that generally leads to atheism, and is why atheists end up getting mad and therefore rude at believers: they will lay out facts, raise questions, play devil's advocate, and reason in an evidence-based, structured way.
i've seen it many times before on this forum.
As a child I was punished for asking questions. If I ask "why?" The answer was, "You KNOW the answer to that question, you were raised in the truth, go to your bedroom, pray and study, come out when you have the answer! I'll teach to ask, WHY!"
Now I KNOW they didn't know the answer to my questions.