JoinedTopics Started by JohnJBB123
Sent to me from Silentlambs, inc.
by JohnJBB123 inplease send this press release to all goverment officials, news papers and media organization.
silentlambs, inc.. public affairs office.
leader in the silentlambs organization.
Okay Bible Supporters: Support this One
by FreePeace inthere have been so many bible thumping posts lately, i thought i would offer an anti-bible article from my truthquest website.
i wait with bated breath to see how bible supporters will rationalize and explain this one.. .
atrocities of the bible: the midianites .
Ray Franz wrote back!
by hungry4life inmy friend just called.
she is very excited she just received a reply to her letter to ray franz.
she said that it is about six pages long and not a form letter but a personal correspondance regarding the issues and concerns she had written him about.
Press Release: JWs and Child Molestation
by JohnJBB123 injanuary 10, 2002. for immediate release:.
approaches to education, inc. again calls jehovahs witnesses leaders to account.
in recent months william bowen blew the whistle on jehovah witnesses leaders' policy concerning the treatment of victims of child molestation within the religion.
Approaches To Education Press Release
by JohnJBB123 injanuary 2, 2002. for immediate release:.
approaches to educations research team start operation.. the research team has three functions: research for the public and for publication, investigations, and internal investigations (called auditing) to eliminate abuses within approaches to education.. the research team will only be able to open a case file for research, investigation, or auditing with the approval of the publishing and writing team, the human rights committee (begins operation later this month), or the ethics committee (begins operation soon), depending on the situation.. if you have any questions please contact approaches to education, inc at 520-661-8417 .
to see our other press releases please see the following links:.
Post traumatic stress symptom
by Nicolas ini was searching informations about stress because i'm a really stressed person and i found out this site.
it talk about the reactions of a someone who have lived a stressful events. here is what they say:" 1. what is trauma?
New press release of December 22, 2001
by JohnJBB123 indecember 22, 2001. for immediate release .
starting in january 2002 the human rights committee of approaches to education, inc. will begin operation.
approaches to education, inc. hopes to partner with other human rights organizations in order to hold groups and organizations accountable that continue to hide under the status of religion or being a private foundation.
Press Release
by JohnJBB123 indecember 4, 2001. for immediate release:.
a national human rights organization is taking jehovah's witnesses to task for claiming to support human rights while denying them to members.. approaches to education, inc., a arizona based human rights group, went public this week about its concerns that the jehovah's witness religion claims to support the un declaration of human rights while at the same time that it denies those rights to its members.
while jehovah's witnesses claim to be crusaders for freedom of religion and human rights, and in favor of religious tolerance, this is not what they practice within the group, states john b. brown, the executive director of approaches to education, inc, individual members of the jehovahs witnesses are not allowed to question their religious beliefs, because this questioning may elicit a punitive response by the religions leaders.
Press release: WT human rights violation
by Dogpatch inhello randy,.
the human rights organization i am affiliated is sending out this press release on human rights violation by the jehovah's witnesses.
it cites several united nation human rights documents.---john brown.
The Watchtower Society and Human Rights
by Norm inwatchtower literature occasionally publishes articles about human rights.
usually when they think these rights are violated in connection with the watchtower society and jehovah's witnesses.
the november 22.