Hello everyone,
My name is Ryan I live in the Los Angeles area. I am 37 years old with a beautiful wife and three kids. I was born into the WTS as my mother and grandmother are/were both JWs. My mom and brothers are still active. With the exception of my younger brother, I have not spoken to them in years (my decision).
The KH I was forced to attend was in Quincy, CA (80 miles west of Reno NV) I was tortured at the hand of the watchtower and its teachings. I made it very clear to my family that I wanted no part of it as I sat in defiance the whole time. I was never allowed to do anything with the worldly kids and because of my "rebellion" I wasn't allowed to do anything with JW kids either. For some reason my mother always took me to the social events but I was instructed to stay by her side as my sibling danced around gay-fully. They really made a mess of my life and I continue to search for peace. I was baptized Catholic three days ago and I am hoping my Lord Jesus will save me from my torment. I just want to live a normal life now.
I am so glad to be here. I'm sorry if some of my posts seem a little bit "woe-is-me" It is not sympathy I desire but understanding. I could never talk to anyone about these things before because they couldn't understand and now I'm in an environment where almost everyone understands. I read a lot of your posts, old and new. I laugh and cry with you. Most of all I am learning from you. - Ryan