This ones too easy...
Just put on some sexy lingerie and tell him APOSTATE LITERATURE makes you want to do crazy things. My wife could get me back into a Kingdom Hall if she told me something wild was gonna happen afterwords.
my husband and i have been fading for sometime.
we did attend the memorial this year with his parents.
we have had quite a few heart to heart conversations about us leaving the witnesses slowly.
This ones too easy...
Just put on some sexy lingerie and tell him APOSTATE LITERATURE makes you want to do crazy things. My wife could get me back into a Kingdom Hall if she told me something wild was gonna happen afterwords.
my prayers will be with them, but to me it seems too little, too late.. .
the virginia gang investigators association will host a training seminar april 30 on the subject of occult and ritual crimes at the accomac elks club.. .
the speaker will be don rimer, who has been involved in many high profile cases involving this subject matter.. rimer will discuss several topics including, new case studies, satanism, witchcraft, goth, animal abuse, fantasy role playing, death/metal music, etc.. the seminar is from 9a.m.-5pm at the accomac elks lodge, 22454 front st... for more information contact kelly miles at 757-339-5204..
Another long day at the office....
It's time to unwind with some "BLACK SABBATH" (back wards of course), a little DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, and who knows I might even crack open Ray Franz's book "CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE".
GET THE GUN - GET THE GUN - SHOOT - SHOOT - SHOOT (ahhh that feels good)
my prayers will be with them, but to me it seems too little, too late.. .
the virginia gang investigators association will host a training seminar april 30 on the subject of occult and ritual crimes at the accomac elks club.. .
the speaker will be don rimer, who has been involved in many high profile cases involving this subject matter.. rimer will discuss several topics including, new case studies, satanism, witchcraft, goth, animal abuse, fantasy role playing, death/metal music, etc.. the seminar is from 9a.m.-5pm at the accomac elks lodge, 22454 front st... for more information contact kelly miles at 757-339-5204..
Weeping is a young sister obsessed with her greatest fear "SATAN". She believes that when someone is dis-fellowshipped or disassociated it is because that person has decided to join "SATAN'S WORLD" and as a member of said world, we must pray to him and do his work.
Little girl, grow up and realize that most people leave the Kingdom Hall because they realize that their teachings JUST AREN'T TRUE.
P.S. I love you and I hate the DEVIL.
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
A Mad Pendejo, You're a liar and fraud. I looked at your MadJW site and I am impressed with a whole whopping 9 members not counting administration. You came onto this site like a hurricane "I'm Mad JW and theres more than just one of me" Shit, for a minute I thought the Roman Army was here. Your hurricane turned out to be just a little Santa Ana wind.
and they are now in 1st place in the n.l.
west with a 6-1 record !
and the hated l.a. dodgers are in last place !
we're only in April. Let's see where you'e at in October.
i'm one of the few jws that freely admit our faults and mistakes.. let's compare notes!.
I Accuse the JWs of doing this.
that they (trinity) are burning billions alive...forever?
with worms that live forever gnawing on them?.
I still believe in the "Easter Bunny". Be careful he might take away your everlasting life.
russia: jehovah's witnesses treated as "terrorists" .
investigations and searches from house to house, seizing religious material "extremist" allegations.
a kingdom hall in budennovsk set on fire.
What the HELL man?
How can they do this, I mean, coming into their homes and telling them what they can and can't read, monitoring what they are doing on the computer, spying on them? Man that's crazy!
P.S. What the Russian government is doing is pretty bad too.