JoinedTopics Started by Ruby_K_Parker
New Here - My First Rambling.
by SearchingForMe innewbie, born-in, 30+ yrs, still trying to decide what i believe since all my options are now open...i can say i no longer feel the need to follow men.... i've lurked here for quite a while and enjoyed the ramblings of many, so since i'm now a member here are some of my ramblings.. it makes me sad that so many people will continue to do something just because they feel they have too much time and/or energy invested to stop and make a course correction, even if they see it's leading nowhere or to an undesirable end.
it also saddens me how some people are so preprogrammed to follow what others say that they feel extremely uncomfortable changing their views, deep seated or not, even when presented with uncontrovertable evidence that their views are at best unproven, and at worst simply not possible or even plausible.. but i also realize, that just like in the sci-fi fantasy world of the matrix, some sheeple just are not mentally prepared to leave their fantasy world.
it works for them, and who am i to tell them how they should live.
How long should I hold my breath?
by BackRoomBilly inhow long do you think it will take before the wts is exposed for what it really is?.
i sort of thought the whole 1914 thing would blow the lid off this thing.
it's obvious they wormed their way out of another one.. do you think there will ever be a grand climax and jws will just start leaving in record numbers?