You Know,
If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were my father. This is the kind of drivel I had to listen to for my entire youth. The worlds gonna end the worlds gonna end and everyones gonna die!!! No wonder so many kids that are raised in the "truth", split the first chance they get. All I ever heard growing up was a list of the things I would never see in my lifetime. i.e. Don't worry about school, Armageddon will come before you get out of grade school.(1975) Don't worry about high school because Armageddon will come before you ever graduate.(1983) Don't worry about a higher education because you won't need it in the new system of things. (glad I didn't listen to that one) Don't worry about getting married and starting a family in this world, there will be plenty of time for that after Armageddon (not that this particular statement mattered much to me. If you've read some of my posts you'll know why). I wonder when you thick headed gloom and doomers will finally realize that you can't fool all of the people, all of the time. Guess what YK, I am now 36 and after being out of the borg for 20 years I can tell you something you probably haven't thought of. Once you're away from the borg you begin to see just how full of shit that whole line of reasoning is. I spent my entire youth being lied to YK, and I am no longer afraid of your words, because they are just words. If your reason for posting this was to scare people back to the truth, guess what, you failed miserably.
One more thing YK, that you can pass along to your brethren. Today is August 4, 2001. Twenty three years ago today my mother passed away after refusing a blood transfusion. For years the only reason I held on to any belief in the borg was for the hope of seeing her again after Armageddon. That is one SICK joke to play on a kid.
Opinions are like a**holes. We've all got one and most of them stink.