Larsguy writes, "Anyway, for the record, this is just the gospel's way of letting us know Jesus cured two lepers that day. That's all. No error."
Alward responds:
So, Larsguy thinks there were two lepers that day, one met by Jesus on the way to Simon Peter's house, and another one met after Jesus left the house. Forum members will note that this is just one more example of the extremes to which inerrantists are willing to go in order to defend the literalness of the Bible.
Larsguy expects forum members to believe that there were two different lepers, and that each leper said exactly the same thing to Jesus, and he said exactly the same thing to them!
"Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean."
"I am willing," he said.
"Be clean."
Nobody believes what Larsguy believes, I'm sure, and he would be thrown out of the Governing Body chambers--if ever he were let inside--if he were ever to offer such an interpretation.
Larsguy obviously had never seen this contradiction before and was too hasty in constructing his response. If he had been more thoughtful he would have realized that one could--using his logic--equally well argue that the Bible writer was telling us--using Larsguy's imagined special "Jewish writing style"--that there was only ONE leper, and two different mothers-in-law, one for "Peter" and one for "Simon"! Or, if we assume that Simon and Peter are one and the same Simon Peter, we could argue that Jesus made TWO visits to the mother-in-law: one before the leper was cured, and one afterward.
How does he know that there weren't two different men, one "Simon," and the other "Peter," and therefore two different mothers-in-law, one visited before the leper was cured, and the other visited after the leper was cured? Or, how does Larsguy know that there weren't two different visits to the same mother-in-law? If Larsguy can imagine that there were two different lepers, why can't we imagine the alternative scenarios?
If Larsguy responds by saying, again, that he's TELLING ME DIRECTLY what the truth is, we will know that he really doesn't know how to respond.
Does Larsguy understand the absurdity of his claims, or is he content to whistle in the graveyard, and pretend that everything is going to be alright?
Joseph F. Alward
"Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"