I think it is very telling that Lars didn't address the main point I raised in the post to which he responded.
Why does Lars think that Jesus said that the "the gospels are a complex revelation of secrets that can only be understood by the anointed ones"?
Jesus couldn't have said this, as I explained in the previous post. How could Lars not have known this elementary fact, especially if he's guided by God to have a better understanding of scripture than just about anyone else, according to Lars?
What about that, Lars? How could it have been possible that Jesus said, as you claimed, that "the gospels can only be understood by the anointed ones"?
In regard to what Lars thinks is his bullet-proof defense against attacks against the inerrancy of the Bible, Lars principal defense is simply to declare that he is a prophet, and therefore cannot be wrong, and that's the end of it. With this type of logic, every nut in the world can declare himself to be in sole possession of religious truth and believe himself capable of defeating the most determined skeptical challenges. All Lars has to do to win is declare himself the winner, and that's the end of it, he thinks. It's funny, but it's also very sad, I sincerely mean that.
I guess what really matters is whether Lars is truly happy in the make-believe world he's created for himself; as long as he is never given control over the lives of others, he should be allowed to believe what he chooses to believe. If he's not harming anyone, I wish him all the happiness he can find with his belief system.
Joseph F. Alward
"Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"