The only way this is ever going to change is to sue and win. Someone is going to have to come with a winnable case and pursue it. That would fix it not just for the one but for all.
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
The only way this is ever going to change is to sue and win. Someone is going to have to come with a winnable case and pursue it. That would fix it not just for the one but for all.
there seems to be a lot of discussion these days about iraq, even on this site, which i think can be handled in one easy illustration.. if your family was mugged, and the mugger without question is going to shoot and kill them, but you have the opportunity to shoot and kill the mugger first, would you not do it?
no time to discuss the consequences with the mugger, cannot discuss with said mugger on how he would "feel" if you shot him, no time for anything.
if you do not react, he will kill your family without question, without hesitation.
The governments exist on this earth for no other reason than to serve Christ. Sound strange?
Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
They are permitted to function in His place to keep order until He returns. So if one government near(visible) of far away (invisible) falls out of line and another decides to punish it then that is their place. Makes no difference how we feel about it. This arrangement is totally out of our hands.
i am sooooo very sick.
i am serious, sick and miserable because of it.
must be some nasty virus, or something i ate.
Dont't hesitate to see a doctor or one of those walk in clinics that are springing up. If you have a better idea of what is wrong, like flue, go the aspirin route with tea honey and lemon and go to bed. Sweat it out. But it is better not to guess. See a doctor if you can.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 7 September 2002 12:36:59
in light of a recent thread by ozzie showing the wt reaffirming salvation by works, i wanted to put forward a post questioning what a christian is.
my own belief is that christianity is about kindness that marginalises the fears surrounding any self-cost (any, even spiritual - i believe that's a secret truth).
the belief in salvation by works is the belief in a trade - a buying and selling.
It is remarkable how something so simple and basic is grasped by so few. Keep up the good work.
i would like to hear from anyone who subscribes to my believe in creation as the bible states, however when jehovah realized that earthly man was a complete screw up, and that he would eventually turn out this way, he immediatly started all over again 5000 light years away, and the second time around he's got it right.. somewhere in the universe there is a perfect race of people created in gods image enjoying what the dubs think is going to happen to them lol.. what do you all think?
sensible answers please ozzie...... martin
No! That says it all. I have some idea as to what God's future plans are for man but I have no proof. The scriptures are pretty much limitied to the next symbolic 1000 years of mans existence. Beyond that we will have to wait for further revelation.
(exodus 3:13) and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the children of israel, and shall say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, what is his name?
(exodus 3:14) and god said to moses, i am who i am: and he said, thus you shall say to the children of israel, i am has sent me to you.. (exodus 3:15) and god said moreover to moses, thus you shall say to the children of israel, jehovah the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.. (john 8:24) i said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you do not believe that i am, you shall die in your sins.. (john 8:28) then jesus said to them, when you have lifted up the son of man, then you shall know that i am, and that i do nothing of myself; but as my father has taught me, i speak these things.. (john 8:53) are you greater than our father abraham, who is dead?
and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself?.
I saw the thread but it means nothing. Scriptures without comment are not worth much for purposess of discussion. The thread is too long and nearly everything in it has already been covered in my 56 page document called "Beyond Trinitarianism" found on my web page. You have not furnished any proof that the Alph and Omega is Jesus. All you have are undocumented assumptions already discussed in principle in this thread.
(exodus 3:13) and moses said to god, behold, when i come to the children of israel, and shall say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you; and they shall say to me, what is his name?
(exodus 3:14) and god said to moses, i am who i am: and he said, thus you shall say to the children of israel, i am has sent me to you.. (exodus 3:15) and god said moreover to moses, thus you shall say to the children of israel, jehovah the god of your fathers, the god of abraham, the god of isaac, and the god of jacob, has sent me to you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations.. (john 8:24) i said therefore to you, that you shall die in your sins: for if you do not believe that i am, you shall die in your sins.. (john 8:28) then jesus said to them, when you have lifted up the son of man, then you shall know that i am, and that i do nothing of myself; but as my father has taught me, i speak these things.. (john 8:53) are you greater than our father abraham, who is dead?
and the prophets are dead: who do you make yourself?.
(2.) They are his chosen, and he will abide by his choice; he knows those that are his, and those whom he has chosen he takes under special protection.
You would have to read back and see the whole context but this comment from MHC makes sense. The faith is not something new, it is treated like a person, we understand it in our time as the body of Christ which gives it personality, humanity and dignity. So I would say the him was Israel or at least some selected portion of it to which Isaiah is referring.
Now if the word redeemer is the problem, the text should be understood from the perspective given as there are two redeemers in scripture. But without the provision of the one, the other would not exist so such use is quite proper. Perspective, context? Just pay attention and it all makes sense. There is a chain of command just as there is between Father and Son.
On Alpha and Omega. Such use where there are 4 and more conversations all flowing together with additional visions and changes mixed in makes proving anything difficult. That is why we must depend on root texts and build up from them, not go to symbolic texts for proofs. The error rate for the latter is very high and undependable. Building from root texts on the other hand elimiantes much of the speculation beforehand and permits a more rational view of matters.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 5 September 2002 2:27:7
Edited by - JosephMalik on 5 September 2002 2:34:34
a question for the masses.. is pure faith real, or just a tool the human psyche uses to justify life patterns or actions?
i'm having a hard time understanding how someone could have a secure belief system based 100 % on faith.
let me explain.
Is pure faith real, or just a tool the human psyche uses to justify life patterns or actions? . . . I'm not egotistic enough to think that there is absolutely no chance that I may be wrong.
Then you have no idea what the faith is. Egotism has nothing to do with it. Pure faith is real and error should it exist is easily corrected if one is faithful. Even the apostles made errors yet they had faith and this faith came to their assistance.
1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.
1 Peter 3:2 While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
Romans 2:8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,
The faith takes care of itself if we are paying attention to it. It corrects, reproves, sharpens any that really care about it.
1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
1 John 3:19 And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.
I would not call John or those to whom he wrote egotistical for knowing they are of the truth. So there are some out there somewhere with faith for it is a promise made long ago.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
in light of a recent thread by ozzie showing the wt reaffirming salvation by works, i wanted to put forward a post questioning what a christian is.
my own belief is that christianity is about kindness that marginalises the fears surrounding any self-cost (any, even spiritual - i believe that's a secret truth).
the belief in salvation by works is the belief in a trade - a buying and selling.
Ans. By how their fruit tastes - not the amount of it, or even the look of it, or even the appearance of the tree - but the taste of it (see above post).
A Paduan .
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Our Lord had a different view, that the fruit should remain. We know that some would not remain but fall away to false teachings. So it does not matter how it tastes does it?
in light of a recent thread by ozzie showing the wt reaffirming salvation by works, i wanted to put forward a post questioning what a christian is.
my own belief is that christianity is about kindness that marginalises the fears surrounding any self-cost (any, even spiritual - i believe that's a secret truth).
the belief in salvation by works is the belief in a trade - a buying and selling.
'kind' and loving' qualities, as good as they are, and they are good, do not make a Christian a Christian.
True, such qualities may make a sheep but such good qualities can also belong to an antichrist or evil slave or man of lawlessness. There is something else that must also be considered. So you are correct with the perspective you offered which can also be shown by many other texts. We may enjoin the faith but it is up to Christ to choose those that belong to Him. It works like this:
John 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
Some may think they are chosen but notice:
John 13:18 I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me.
The final selection therefore is not ours to make but His alone.