tryiing to distingquish between religion and cults is a waste of time.
ALL organisations display some cult-like traits.
be they in buisness or in religion. to say one is a cult and another is not is impossible.
jws MIGHT be a cult, just like catholics and loads of others.
i certainly harbour a resentment for them, but my opinion does not make it so.
i put things in caps because i am too lazy to learn to use italics.
yes they are rich, but again this doesnt prove them to be bad.
its fine to demand change, but its another to gullibly accept all the bs people say about jws.
you demonise every decision the gb make and every watchtower written with no regard for the fact that
that they are probably just old guys with problems they cant begin to solve.
Ray franz managed to leave with no bitterness. he believes much that is written in the mags is good
and usefull for cristians.
why not try and be a little more like him.
untill the gb try to do a jim jones with thier members i will believe there is some
good in them.