You're right bavman. I haven't had this much fun posting in a looooong time.
JW's are actually conversing with me!! Woohoo! They're not shunning me!
here we go folks.
a newly opened forum for knocking is now open on pbs's website.
let's not let the jw's overrun this with crap.
You're right bavman. I haven't had this much fun posting in a looooong time.
JW's are actually conversing with me!! Woohoo! They're not shunning me!
here we go folks.
a newly opened forum for knocking is now open on pbs's website.
let's not let the jw's overrun this with crap.
one might as well also take notice of what the rest of the world thinks about this.
crazy american haters.
u.s. gun laws draw heat after massacre .
Here's a shirt for some of you:
one might as well also take notice of what the rest of the world thinks about this.
crazy american haters.
u.s. gun laws draw heat after massacre .
We Americans have the right to own a gun and to use it when we feel it is necessary. It doesn't matter how long ago(200 yrs) or under what circumstances(colonial spat with england) a piece of paper was drafted up saying it is our God-given right as Americans to bear arms. No one, and that includes all of you morally dogooders out there, better tell us what to do because we have an old piece of paper that says we can own a gun! Nevermind if guns are used only to kill/maim other humans. IT IS OUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHT to bear arms! And our Bill of Rights says we can --- so there! We could care less about whether or not it is morally wrong to kill another human. But we do care about "protecting" ourselves from other lunatics with a gun.
We really need to go back and follow the Old West laws. If someone draws first, you can defend yourself and shoot them too, but only if you're quicker.
jourles, preferring to speak sarcastically just because...
i'm trying to decide where i want to sit on the plane to dallas - i can choose online 24 hours beforehand but am not sure where is best for comfort, quiet, service, view.
is there anyway of predicting where any babies might be so i can be as far away as possible from them?.
If I have upgrades available or if asking the ticket counter person nicely gets me into 1st/biz class, then that's the spot. Otherwise, I'll always ask for an emergency exit row(legroom).
watching all the pundits on tv after the killings at va tech yesterday, there were a handful of things that kept getting repeated that are just stupid.
usually they also require an impossible level of hindsight (which a good number of the pundits have, it seems).
i've just got to rant about this for a few minutes.
I have no idea how VT's dorms are laid out compared to the rest of the school, but if it is similar to how Michigan State University(roughly 40k students) has its dorms laid out, I can see how they wouldn't have shut down the school. MSU has dorms spread all around the area. You can drive away from the college - almost a quarter mile away - and end up at your dorm. Some dorms are on-campus, others are just off. If a shooting were to take place here in Lansing at a dorm, it would be highly unlikely that they would shut down the entire school(5k acre campus). The campus police were probably just playing the odds that the shooter wouldn't end up at the other end of the school to continue his killing spree.
Bottom line is, no one knew what was going to happen or how. Regardless of this student's previous writings, I doubt anyone could have predicted this event and stopped it from happening. He was on a mission, and for him it was Mission Accomplished.
one day walking in a street, ralf meets his old math teacher.
happy to meet him, he says hello to the teacher but he doesn't remember that his teacher answers everything with a puzzle.. .
"how are you doing, professor?
I would love to see a riddle/puzzle get posted one day that doesn't have the answer already on the web.
anybody not yet familiar with google earth should try it, - offers maps and satellite images for complex or pinpointed regional searches.
recently google have added satellite shots of sudan, where a mass genocide is taking place whilst we go to bed each night in our safe and sound environments (relatively).
up to 300,000 people dead so far - why the hell doesn't blair or bush do something about this seeing as though they are so beset with helping other people (bs)... .
Question(possibly a stupid one):Are you being sarcastic Jourles, or are you serious?
I'm finding it fun to start posting sarcastic replies because it is interesting to show what the other side is really thinking. Some of these republican/neocon/whatever posters may not come right out and say it, but they sure as hell are thinking it.
If you thought my original reply was dumb, cruel, or mean, then at least you got my point. Just you having to ask if it was sarcastic or not shows that my statements were incredulous to some people.
jehover being the most obvious.
why was there a group in every hall that pronounced some words like a bad english accent.
also why is it pretty universal, i.e.
'Shad-rak' instead of 'shay-drak' --- this one always bugged me especially when I would go out of my way to pronounce it in a meeting and then a bro or sis would comment right behind me and say it the wrong way and emphasize it like I was the one who butchered it.
anybody not yet familiar with google earth should try it, - offers maps and satellite images for complex or pinpointed regional searches.
recently google have added satellite shots of sudan, where a mass genocide is taking place whilst we go to bed each night in our safe and sound environments (relatively).
up to 300,000 people dead so far - why the hell doesn't blair or bush do something about this seeing as though they are so beset with helping other people (bs)... .
why the hell doesn't Blair or Bush do something about this seeing as though they are so beset with helping other people (bs)...
Because it is much more important to focus American/British efforts in exposing to the world that Iraqi fighters are being trained in Iran on how to fight and use EFP's against our occupational liberating forces. American troops are in danger, man! Priorities!
I sure hope we attack Iran very soon before '09. Beyond that, the anti-war democrats will likely be in charge -- and you know how far diplomacy gets us in the world. Our window of opportunity is shrinking fast so we need to use the evidence we have obtained thus far and blaze a trail of American "Blood & Guts" Glory into Tehran. Let's kick some Iranian ass! Screw Darfur.