I for one applaud anything politically incorrect.
As do I. Which is why South Park rules!
i saw boston legal this past tuesday and denny crane said he was impressed by the "articulate" man who didn't "sound" black.
this caused an uproar!!!
in a re-run on curb your enthusiasm, larry david makes a comment that's insulting to a black person and has to immediately apologize for being politically incorrect.. your opinion on this question, please..
I for one applaud anything politically incorrect.
As do I. Which is why South Park rules!
i love watching boxing, especially the heavyweights and middleweights.
i also enjoy watching and playing tennis.
<--------Take one guess
uh ok there have been two threads on the topic of the knocking forum closing.. from jen at the top of the forum:.
since launch, the lively debates seen here have been largely related to the jehovah's witnesses faith as a whole, with minimal posting and participation about the film knocking.
the goal of the knocking discussion forum, as listed in the standards of use, is to "discuss your responses to the film and web site with us and with each other.
Well well well. Look at what I just found:
BIELERT v. NORTHERN OHIO PROPERTIES was a 1988 federal lawsuit in which David Bielert alleged that he suffered employment discrimination, in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because he was NOT a Jehovah's Witness. NORTHERN OHIO PROPERTIES was engaged in the business of managing residential rental properties, which were located in several different states, and which were owned by several different investor groups. NORTHERN OHIO PROPERTIES was a subsidiary of ZAREMBA CORPORATION, a closely-held corporation owned by Tim Zaremba, Walter Zaremba, and other members of the Zaremba family. (See also: ZEREMBA GROUP and ZEREMBA MANAGEMENT.) The Zaremba family were Jehovah's Witnesses, and many of the investors and employees of the related corporations were believed to be Jehovah's Witnesses.
Bielert had worked for NOP as a property manager since 1971. In 1979, Bielert was diagnosed with cancer. He continued to work for NOP until 1983. His job performance allegedly greatly suffered due to his illness and medical treatments during that period. In 1983, NOP replaced Bielert with a Jehovah's Witness employee. Although Bielert was offered another position, Bielert felt that he was being slowly removed from the picture and would eventually be terminated anyway. Bielert was offered a severance package to resign, and he accepted such. After exhausting his severance package, he filed a religious discrimination charge with the EEOC. Thereafter, he filed this federal lawsuit, which was summarily dismissed by the district court due to insufficient evidence. The appellate court affirmed.
I guess my buddy is probably right. It appears that the Zaremba's are indeed jw's. Now I would just like to see confirmation on the Reibling family. The only connection that I've found between the WTS and the Reiblings was from the Confront! Resistance in Nazi Germany conference which was held at Boston College in 2002. Both the WTS and Taurus were major contributors. Lorenz was also listed as a individual contributor.
I also started another thread a while ago on all of this but I didn't know about the Zaremba family being involved.
uh ok there have been two threads on the topic of the knocking forum closing.. from jen at the top of the forum:.
since launch, the lively debates seen here have been largely related to the jehovah's witnesses faith as a whole, with minimal posting and participation about the film knocking.
the goal of the knocking discussion forum, as listed in the standards of use, is to "discuss your responses to the film and web site with us and with each other.
Zazu -
They have a big name lawyer from Baltimore, who handles 'estate law, ie. big bucks from JW's who have been urged to leave assets/estates to WTBTS? Another one is a securities advisor?
I'm not sure if you are referring to brother Zaremba here, but here are a few websites that these brothers own:
Zaremba - Many real estate corporations. Under the umbrella Zaremba Group. (real estate)
Reibling - Primary business is Taurus Investment Holdings(real estate)
And the only thing I've found that remotely links the two companies together is one man, an Aaron Gibitz:
On September 6, 2002, the Board of Directors of the Company elected Aaron Gibitz as a Director, Chairman, and Principal Executive Officer Mr. Gibitz was also elected to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. At the same meeting Cynthia Potter Winthrop was elected Chief Operating Officer and James D. Baker, who remains a Director, resigned as President of the Registrant.
The business background of Mr. Gibitz is as follows:
From March 2002 to the present, Mr. Gibitz has been a consultant to Taurus Investment Group,Inc., based in Deerfield Beach, Florida. Taurus invest in real estate and has other business interest including health and wellness consumer products and media/technology. From March 1997 through March 2002, Mr. Gibitz was an executive with Zaremba Management, based in Independence, Ohio. Zaremba is a real estate development and management company that is also engaged in start-up ventures. Mr. Gibitz was responsible for Zaremba’s start-up activities, promotion of such, operational audits and technology management. Prior to 1997 Mr. Gibitz consulted for numerous companies involved in technology evaluations, internal performance audits, turnaround of distressed holdings and financing.
A well-trusted source informed me that both families are jw's. I have no reason to doubt him.
i never could understand this.
do they have no respect???.
this subject came up when my hubby was talking to his brother on the phone a couple months ago.
The main hangup I have over the military machine is what they call it -- The Defense Department. I wonder what the ratio is of the military being used for defensive purposes and offensive purposes?
i never could understand this.
do they have no respect???.
this subject came up when my hubby was talking to his brother on the phone a couple months ago.
She was talking about the freedoms and liberties she and her husband enjoy as Americans, and expressing her gratitude to the modern-day counterparts of those men who made this freedom possible.
Unfortunately, this statement can also be extended to jw's. Like it or not, if you're all for freedom of speech and other liberties, the jw's have helped pave the way in many of these cases. Although I wouldn't personally suggest doing so, but walking up to a jw and thanking them for donating to the worldwide work has the same effect in a way. They are, afterall, helping to fund the WTS's legal crew. As much as I despise the WTS, I have nothing bad to say about some of the freedom's that they have helped cement in our society through the Supreme Court.
If you're a true patriot and believe in the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans, express your "gratitude to the modern-day counterparts of those men who made this freedom possible," the jw's. (yes, I think I just made myself ill for a second there)
i never could understand this.
do they have no respect???.
this subject came up when my hubby was talking to his brother on the phone a couple months ago.
Did Jehovah have armies under his control or not? If he was so great and all powerful, why did he not just eliminate Israel's enemies with a flash of light or whatever tricks he had at his disposal? Why bother sending in a human army to kill other humans?
Monkey see, monkey do. God obviously approves of an army consisting of men. Mankind is simply following God's example.
im going down to cajun harley today and im not leaving without a bike.. too bad i cant fit 100 lbs of crawfish on it .
Let's see, how does that saying go? Harley Davidson - The most efficient way to turn gasoline into noise without the side effect of creating horsepower.
400 miles is a long way to ride to DFW without a windshield. I bet you already figured that out though, huh? I believe the magic number is around 50-60 mph. Beyond that, you have to grip those bars pretty tight. If you're not planning on getting a bug screen, I hope you've got a full face helmet - yer gonna need it.
Jourles, of the indestructible Honda Sabre 1100 class
i just bought a new computer...........a pricy one at that!
the one i bought says it has 4 gb of ram.
when i check............it says 3.24 gb.
But you gotta remember folks, she is into all of that video ghost hunting and schtuff.
Heavy video editing taxes a computer!
hello everyone, a few weeks ago i was researching china and their emerging status as a super power, i learned about the bric alliance which is an alliance formed by brazil, russia, india and china, the projected growth of their economies and the support they are providing for each other, pretty interesting stuff.
my husband and i have been commenting on how it seems that russia and china are joining forces (even had joint exercises with their militaries), then there is venezuela and the support they have received from russia, iran and china, it all seems like there will be a future conflict involving these nations and the us, unfortunately.
i just found the following article which also spiked my interest since it brings home the point that this country is wasting it's resources and it's fighting force on this supposed war on terror while the real enemy is empowering itself.
Virtually ANY country can build or buy an EMP weapon. Imagine something along the lines of New Orleans without the flooding, but worse. No telecommunications services, cellular or landline. Water and power stations kaput. No water, no electricity, no gas, no cash withdrawls, no credit card use, no automobiles, no traffic lights, no nada. Virtually everything that operates on electricity ceases to function, except for flashlights and cordless drills(not an all-inclusive list). It wouldn't be too long until vital resources get used up. Even hospitals would go dark.
It isn't just China that could use this technology, it could be Sierra Leone for all we know.
I think the US gov't should develop a new test site for an EMP bomb. Patterson, NY sounds like a good place as any.