She was talking about the freedoms and liberties she and her husband enjoy as Americans, and expressing her gratitude to the modern-day counterparts of those men who made this freedom possible.
Unfortunately, this statement can also be extended to jw's. Like it or not, if you're all for freedom of speech and other liberties, the jw's have helped pave the way in many of these cases. Although I wouldn't personally suggest doing so, but walking up to a jw and thanking them for donating to the worldwide work has the same effect in a way. They are, afterall, helping to fund the WTS's legal crew. As much as I despise the WTS, I have nothing bad to say about some of the freedom's that they have helped cement in our society through the Supreme Court.
If you're a true patriot and believe in the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans, express your "gratitude to the modern-day counterparts of those men who made this freedom possible," the jw's. (yes, I think I just made myself ill for a second there)