They hawk those things at all the AVP volleyball events. They are the main sponsor for the AVP.
I agree, they are not the prettiest looking shoes I've ever seen...
they are the shoes that everyone loves to hate.
they are also the shoes that have fans that will disregard what others in this world say about them in regards to fashion and taste.
if you wear and love them, you just don't care, your feet are happy and that's all that matters.
They hawk those things at all the AVP volleyball events. They are the main sponsor for the AVP.
I agree, they are not the prettiest looking shoes I've ever seen...
i should add that i realize that this is more of a northern hemisphere question.
no offens(c)e to our southern hemisphere friends.. bourne.
Crested Butte is having 3 weeks of free skiing this year -- Nov 25th through Dec 15th. No CO resort is ever open 100% that early, but the amount they do have open varies on the snowfall amount they get of course. On average, most resorts in CO are ~30-40% open that early in the season. By late January/early February, almost all are at 100%...unless they get an ungodly amount of snow sooner.
Keystone and Loveland are always trying to outdo each other every year on being the first to open. Both will have their guns running whenever possible, even if it's just for one or two runs. If one or the other says they are opening on such-and-such date, the other will try and match it or beat it by a day. I remember in the past when Loveland would announce their opening day, keystone would match it but would turn on their lights at 6am just to say they beat Loveland. It's all about bragging rights and being the first in the US to open for the season.
i have a question about my religion.
when people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
they turn back to false teachings and their bible knowledge even proves that.
When people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
You mean, normal? No religious crazy eyed look? Maybe it's just due to the fact that you're used to seeing fake smiles and feeling conditional love at the kh. Once people leave that situation, they are free to be themselves. I know that's a hard concept for you to wrap your head around, but that's just the way it is. Did you ever think that people looking in from the "world" feel that you're the weird ones?
i have a question about my religion.
when people turn apostate, why do they seem kinda... weird.
they turn back to false teachings and their bible knowledge even proves that.
I'm an apostate and I don't believe in the Trinity. Maybe you have the wrong definition of "apostacy" in mind...
i should add that i realize that this is more of a northern hemisphere question.
no offens(c)e to our southern hemisphere friends.. bourne.
Used to live in Summit Co. Colorado. Had the pass, etc. I've been to every ski area in CO except for two places. My top three picks in the state are, 1. Arapahoe Basin, 2. Aspen Highlands, 3. Crested Butte. I typically ski black/double black but sometimes crave a steep, smooth, and fast blue for laying out big carves. I grew up skiing the SoCal mountains (Big Bear) and have been to Squaw and Heavenly up in Tahoe. Since living in Michigan, I've been to most here in the state as well, except for the UP. My favorite one so far is Boyne Highlands. Whistler is on my to-do list. I wouldn't mind hitting a few European resorts sometime in the future before I get too old.
Monarch is a good spot in CO. I've heard they have some of the best snowcat skiing in the state - never did it. Monarch's the running favorite for most of the folks who live in Colo Spgs(and the local jws). If you're coming from there, I would recommend popping over the pass and heading to Crested Butte. It's not that much further. PLUS, they always have a Ski Free time period in the beginning of the season and usually at the end too. You can't beat that deal whatsoever. Who here likes to ski for free? That's what I thought. If you hit CB at the end of the season, there has usually been a ski naked day - typically the last day of the year. If it's warm enough for you to do it, no one cares. I've never done it. The most bare I've gone is skiing only in my shorts, boots, and goggles. Trust me, if you fall hard while skin is exposed, it's worse than a bad rug burn.
so today i was thinking... and i haven't posted here in quite some time!
i came and started reading through some recent posts... and boy have i missed a lot.
the whole trevorgate thing... and danny haszard... whew.
Dude, in the way that Osama is Bush's poster boy for terrorism, you're the new poster boy for the WTS. I would love to see your pic in a WT article someday with the caption:
Unfortunately, some youths have left Jehovah's organization to pursue worldy goals
Damn, I could be a WT writer!
it has been sadly interesting to see fadingeld's and others experiences unfold...wife out the door pronto and some not.
many here are still married, one in one out.
i have basically had a sucessful unplanned fade.
One in, one out. *raises hand*
A few months ago, I really had it out with her. It was more of a one-way type thing. I told her everything I hated about our "situation." It primarily focused on, wait for it, the organization. Leading up prior to this, I broke out CoC and tried to get her to read it. She said she did, but when I asked her about certain parts, she couldn't "recall" what she supposedly read. That told me she didn't read it at all. Part of my diatribe towards her I mentioned that I couldn't "wait for the day that the WTS finally goes out of business." That I would "do everything in my power to help bring about their downfall in whatever way" I could. I told her how I felt about the WTS simply being a business and that everything they have done in the past several years pointed to their losing money. I brought up the cutbacks in mags, size of the books, child abuse lawsuits, etc. Basically everything I've mentioned here on the board before. I was surprised at myself for saying such things, but it felt great to finally get them off of my chest. And to give her credit, she took it quite well. She didn't lash out at me for thrashing her one and only spritually safe haven, the WTS.
But yeah, things are definitely different these days. Even before I was df'd(fading period), we were becoming more and more like roommates. It sure feels like that today as well. I do my thing and she does hers. I immerse myself in volleyball and the friends that naturally go along with it. She doesn't even care about the "worldly" parties that I go to. No questions asked.
I honestly couldn't say what keeps us together. Our commonalities sank once I was officially df'd. Most of our social contacts prior to that were with jw's only. As a "couple," those are now history. Oh well, I just deal with it. If something happens, it happens.
tajikistan bans jehovah's witnessesposted tue oct 23, 2007 8:22am aest.
ex-soviet tajikistan outlawed the jehovah's witnesses religious organisation on monday, saying its missionary activities violated the laws of the predominantly muslim central asian state.. "door-to-door missionary activities, calls to refuse to serve in the armed forces and their intolerance of other religions contradict the law," tajik culture minister mirzoshohruh asrorov told a news conference.. jehovah's witnesses in tajikistan could not immediately be reached for comment.. according to official figures, more than 95 percent of the tajik population belong to the sunni branch of islam and another two percent are shiites.
the tajik government though is strictly secular.
"Door-to-door missionary activities, calls to refuse to serve in the armed forces and their intolerance of other religions contradict the law,"
I guess they better move elsewhere if they feel that the above beliefs are their God given right.
i'm sure they'll give most of it to help the world-wide work.... .
A little more background on this case:
EEOC v. AT&T ARKANSAS is an ongoing 2006-7 employment discrimination lawsuit filed by EEOC on behalf of two Jehovah's Witnesses named Glenn Owen and Jose Gonzalez. Details are sketchy, but apparently Glenn Owen and Jose Gonzalez had been employed at AT&T's Jonesboro, Arkansas location for a number of years. In years past, AT&T had accomodated Owen's and Gonzalez's requests for time off so they could attend the Jehovah's Witnesses annual District Convention every July. However, in 2005, AT&T declined Owen's and Gonzalez's requests for time off. Apparently, Glenn Owen and Jose Gonzalez attended the District Convention anyway. They were later suspended by AT&T, and eventually terminated. Owen and Gonzalez are claiming religious discrimination, but AT&T claims that the denial of time off in 2005 had nothing to do with the employees' religion, but rather that granting their requests would have created an undue hardship that year. Outcome unknown, but AT&T will likely lose. Employers need to review all following cases, which basically show that when a Jehovah's Witness Employee states that they need time off for religious purposes, their Employer better give it to them, or suffer the consequences.
not to be mean but why should i care that you have 3,000 posts?
this yet again proves how useless even making stats like this public are.
it just gives people ammo to say, "i have 25,000 posts so obviously i am more vested in this board then you".
Not to be mean but why should I care that you have 3,000 posts? So what?
Well I'll be damned. You started this thread just for me didn't you? I appreciate the recognition that you have laid before the board in my honor.
All hail Jourles -- the most useless prolific poster of our generation. Wait a sec, which generation should I refer to?