Dying for the blood issue is extraordinary
Dying in the Malawi persecution was extraordinary
Betraying other brothers instead of playing ignorant ( or making stuff up as prisoners do) is extraordinary
The main difference between these scenarios and a jw actually taking another life by violence is just that. The individual jw is using his wt-trained conscience to passively allow the above scenarios to happen. To physically and violently KILL another human such as an apostate or some other type of unbeliever is a whole other matter. 99.9% of the jw community probably would not carry out such an order. Letting themselves or their children die due to the blood doctrine or any other doctrine is based on martyrdom. Contrast this with a parent killing their child because the child became apostate and da'd themselves. This is plain ol' murder. The WTS could never allow this to happen or even condone such an act. There are too many whistleblowers in the org(just look at the faders on this site). Such acts would tarnish their most holy name and reputation. And we all know how much they value their reputation above all else...