One in, one out. *raises hand*
A few months ago, I really had it out with her. It was more of a one-way type thing. I told her everything I hated about our "situation." It primarily focused on, wait for it, the organization. Leading up prior to this, I broke out CoC and tried to get her to read it. She said she did, but when I asked her about certain parts, she couldn't "recall" what she supposedly read. That told me she didn't read it at all. Part of my diatribe towards her I mentioned that I couldn't "wait for the day that the WTS finally goes out of business." That I would "do everything in my power to help bring about their downfall in whatever way" I could. I told her how I felt about the WTS simply being a business and that everything they have done in the past several years pointed to their losing money. I brought up the cutbacks in mags, size of the books, child abuse lawsuits, etc. Basically everything I've mentioned here on the board before. I was surprised at myself for saying such things, but it felt great to finally get them off of my chest. And to give her credit, she took it quite well. She didn't lash out at me for thrashing her one and only spritually safe haven, the WTS.
But yeah, things are definitely different these days. Even before I was df'd(fading period), we were becoming more and more like roommates. It sure feels like that today as well. I do my thing and she does hers. I immerse myself in volleyball and the friends that naturally go along with it. She doesn't even care about the "worldly" parties that I go to. No questions asked.
I honestly couldn't say what keeps us together. Our commonalities sank once I was officially df'd. Most of our social contacts prior to that were with jw's only. As a "couple," those are now history. Oh well, I just deal with it. If something happens, it happens.