To my friends that are not in the US: Do you get this kind of propaganda?

by CaptainSchmideo 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    I know a lot of Brits, Aussies, Canadians, etc, always marvel at the arrogance, haughtiness, and cockiness of US tourists visiting their countries. Or how mainstream US citizens just fall in line with anything that comes out of the government's mouth, accept any policy as "good", believe all that stuff about how "America is the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH!".

    Do you ever wonder where it comes from? How it gets ingrained into the being of most US citizens?

    Well, then, follow this link!

    If you want, skip ahead to about the two minute mark. Watch the pretty propaganda unfold in 3D stereophonic sound! Listen to the sounds of (mostly white) audience members cheer every time that flag is unfurled (and believe me, in Branson, Missouri, it must be written into the contract of every show that they must have a segment devoted to flag and country. I saw a Beatle tribute band sing "In My Life" dedicated to US veterans, with a video of the US flag fluttering in the breeze. Pretty much ruined the song for me!) Somewhere in the video, they have tributes to America's heroes. They show the usual: Armed Services, Challenger Astronauts (but not the Columbia crew, I guess they don't count...), John Kennedy, Jr! (I guess having your own magazine these days is heroic, considering the fight for advertising), MLK (but I don't think a lot of the hillbillies in the crowd really like him too much...) and, (I am NOT making this up!) George W. Bush! I almost laughed out loud (but didn't, fearing a lynch mob...)

    Okay, I don't mind patriotism, if such patriotism is reflected in acts that reflect well on a country and its people. If somebody thinks patriotism means waving a flag, wearing one on the lapel, and trash talking Middle Easterners, then they are probably in the majority of the population here in the good ole U S of A.

    Anyway, being raised a Witness, and the whole flag-salute thing, I find the whole veneration/adoration of the Flag very disquieting. Makes me think how easily we could turn back the clock a few decades to the bad times of 40's and 50's, when Constitutional rights didn't apply to everyone in the US. Oh, wait, that's Today!

    Anyway, enjoy the video. Fellow Americans, feel free to comment or flame me. All other nations, take your best shots!

  • dogisgod

    patriotism is nationalism. It is just another form of cult mind control.

  • dawg

    This is a great nation, yet it surely needs to look in the mirror... we are not the greatest nation on earth and we have had our moments where we didn't live up to the principles of your Constitution. We have twice elected a man that has the brains of a newt, worse yet we are sure to elect someone just as bad this go around. I think it's time the US take a strong hard look at ourselves. It bothers me not one iota that you think like you do, an honest US citizen should do the same if they really love this country.

  • 4digitcode

    "Makes me think how easily we could turn back the clock a few decades to the bad times of 40's and 50's, when Constitutional rights didn't apply to everyone in the US.

    They don't!!!

    Oh, wait, that's Today!"

    There you go......

  • RollerDave


    To say I disagree with you would be the understatement of the century.

    Nobody ever criticizes citizens of any other country for loving their country, but we have to constantly justify loving America.

    Well, I love my county, love my flag, and won't apologize for that. Of course I feel it's the greates country, or I would go where I thought it was better.

    Nothing's perfect, America is no exception, and if other people love their country and feel it is the best, I can only offer them my kudos.

    Look at my other posts for today, and you'll see the restraint I am exercising, Dawg knows what I mean.

    Well, enjoy your day, hope it picks up for you, and you find something, ANYTHING to be happy about.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    America Rules!

    edited to note clicking on the "America Rules!" is a link to a video....

  • 4digitcode

    I'm not saying to swallow up everything that's said in this film as the gospel. But don't swallow up everything the American government says either.....or for that matter what any government says.

    They use the media, fear tactics, etc to sway the public's opinion. Love your country! i love america. it's awesome, i lived there for 8 years, my grandparents are naturalized americans. but don't believe it can do no evil.

    It's like a child thinking their parents can do no evil until they grow up and see the parent is after all a human being like the rest of humanity. Doesn't mean he'll start hating his parent. He'll just have a more balanced view.

    Keeping informed and looking at things with a critical eye is not being a cynic. It's just being careful and not having blind faith in anything that you haven't first thoroughly processed and approved by your own logic.

    Something i'm sure we can all say that we failed to do at some time in our life....hint hint.

  • RollerDave

    We have no civil rights?

    Our president has the brains of a newt?

    I'm sorry, but that is just plain silly.

    I'm not Bush's biggest fan, I think he's screwed up bigtime, but probably not in the same areas you disagree.

    But the above statements are evidence of propaganda just as much as the jingoistic 'America love her or leave her' statements that cause you disquiet.

    I think most people just pick the ptopaganda that fits their worldview and makes them feel all warm and fuzzy, I just think waking up every day thinking that everything sucks must not be much fun.

    Well, have at it, I'm wearing my nomex suit, flame away.


  • ninja

    I sometimes think America is a cult..

  • journey-on

    The only thing that makes me sick to my stomach is people that think it's super cool and avantgarde to

    trash American patriots without any thought whatsoever about the wide range of people that consider themselves

    to be patriots. It's okay if you have Black Pride or Gay Pride or Latino Pride or any other kind of Pride,

    but be damned if you have just plain ole American Pride. They bury their prejudice toward patriotic Americans

    behind some pseudo-intellectualism thinking they're so-o-o cool for badmouthing Big Ole Mean America. Bull**it.

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