Welcome to the board, 2evil.
First of all let me reassure you that your questions are very normal and ones I have had. (I would like to say most of us have but I'm not speaking anyone else anymore.)
You are at an awakening stage. Or call it a crisis of conscience stage. I understand with your background (raised a JW) you would understandably want x-Elders to give you answers. One of the hardest things you are going to discover is that you have to find the answers.
Many people here will offer wonderful suggestions, ie read CoC, etc, etc, etc. Yes there is plenty of material out there to learn the truth about the Watchtower Organization. But along the way you will learn about yourself, humans in general and wherever else your questions will lead you. Don't be afraid of information. But be afraid of people who hide information, or hide from information or restrict others to learn.
I wish I could tell you with simple answers what your future will be, but it is up to you. I found wonderful support and great friends from this board. Hopefully you will too as you learn and grow as a human.
Yes, start with Crisis of Conscience, or Penton's book or Carl Olof Jonnson's books and I also recommend True Beliver by Eric Hoffer, if you want to understand the sociology of mass movements. Take time to review old threads here on recommended readings. Good stuff has been suggested and written here.
Take it slow. Waking up is a process that needs to be done slowly and recognize all the emotions and turmoil that go with it.
Keep us posted on how you are doing and if you have more questions.