ok, I'll say it.......why Mulan, you look too young to have a granddaughter that old!
That's a great picture of her.
Hope you guys aren't too tired after all the move and birthday parties.
my eldest granddaughter is 19 today.
that sure makes me feel old.
okay, she is a step granddaughter, but she's been ours since she was 3, so i rarely remember that part.
ok, I'll say it.......why Mulan, you look too young to have a granddaughter that old!
That's a great picture of her.
Hope you guys aren't too tired after all the move and birthday parties.
these inspiring words will remind you how to make your dreams come true.. "through confidence and perseverance comes the ability to succeed!".
many of you have proven that these words have inspired you to succeed in whatever endeavors you have chosen after having come out of the watchtower.. i have read simon's and many of your post's, where - in you have shown confidence, and perseverance along with the ability to succeed in whatever endeavors you have chosen for yourselves after having come out of the watchtower.
i too, after having spent 30 years serving the watchtower, two and one half years later, after having left he watchtower, i have succeeded in passing my medical examiner's tests and am now licensed to practice in one of the many health care concerns at the young age of 60.. this shows that all of us can go on and succeed after life in the watchtower.. this forum and the many nameless persons who have posted here have been an inspiration to carry on.
Well done, BB.
Enjoy your new line of work.
i loved it!
i would be laughing my ass off one minute and crying the next, then tapping my feet to the beat of his music the next.. ray didn't hold any of the truth back, even his bad points were there for all to see.
and as for jaime foxx, he definately deserves an oscar.
*passing a box of tissues to Mulan for when she goes to see the movie*
You HAVE to see it, Mulan. Great music and great story.
eighty eight years ago today, c. t. russell kicked the bucket and went to his, er, "reward".
yes, it was on halloween.
was jellyfish russell done in by poison, perhaps delivered by an agent operating under the direction of booze rutherford?
That being said, there is much interest downunder by various groups and churches in wanting to know how they can help people out of the Watchtower.
wow, that's good to hear, Ozzie. I still think of all the wonderful work JanG did. Miss her.
happy halloween everyone!.
i can't wait to take my son trick-or-treating today, but this is my first year dressing up, too.. my question is, can i bring a bucket to collect candy, too?
i mean, i am dressing up and all so does that entitle me to bring a bucket?
One other thing is you could just be honest and say that "The fun of Halloween was deprived from your childhood". Most people when they hear that will heap kindness on you and give you extra candy even.
I agree. I find most people are so sympathetic and I can also get a good "witness" in....for people not to get involved with the JW's. lol
Have fun!
i loved it!
i would be laughing my ass off one minute and crying the next, then tapping my feet to the beat of his music the next.. ray didn't hold any of the truth back, even his bad points were there for all to see.
and as for jaime foxx, he definately deserves an oscar.
Sixy, I didn't think you were that old!!!
wow, what a great memory to have been there when they "created" that song.
your jungle music is corrupting our children, and i'm gonna put your black ass in jail!
the man
"was to have been disfellowshiped."
i loved it!
i would be laughing my ass off one minute and crying the next, then tapping my feet to the beat of his music the next.. ray didn't hold any of the truth back, even his bad points were there for all to see.
and as for jaime foxx, he definately deserves an oscar.
"he had 12 children, 18 grandchildren and on great grandchild" they said this in the credits.
bet you didn't stay that long! lol
i loved it!
i would be laughing my ass off one minute and crying the next, then tapping my feet to the beat of his music the next.. ray didn't hold any of the truth back, even his bad points were there for all to see.
and as for jaime foxx, he definately deserves an oscar.
I was amazed at how my emotions were caught up in the film.
I sat through the credits just to get my eyes dry before I walked into the bright lights of the lobby.
I want to go see that film again or get it when it comes out in DVD.
Hey WH, I know I'm a little slow on the uptake, but didn't Ray & his wife have 3 boys??? Who had the other nine children? They only showed the one mistress. I thought his wife and him had 6 kids together and he and his mistress had 6 kids, but apparently, it was more than just one mistress.
your jungle music is corrupting our children, and i'm gonna put your black ass in jail!
the man
lol, Yes Sixer, that was in the movie. LOVED THE MOVIE!!!
thumbs all the way up with this movie.