we ALL think this person is a noted and respected member of this board
I think I'm the only noted and respected member on this board.
we ALL think this person is a noted and respected member of this board
I think I'm the only noted and respected member on this board.
but a noted and respected member of this board?
remember, this is cyberworld and who you THINK is a noted and respected member of this board is your reality.
That is why there are constant warnings about not putting up personal stuff. This is an open domain and people who want to use information against you, "theocratic warfare" ? , will.
this is pretty funny: .
1) go to http://www.google.com.
2) type in "weapons of mass destruction" (don't hit return) .
These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed | |
The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate. | |
Please try the following:
Cannot find weapons or CIA Error |
my life story leaving jw's came out in the following newspaper article.
thought i'd share it with all of you.. i was an elder for 8 years.
for 2. left in 2002.. .
My heart goes out to you and your wife for the loss of your son while you were "true believers" to what you now recognize as rules of men.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. All of us are dealing with the shunning issue and can sympathize. How distructive that cult is can best be uderstood by those who are daily/weekly/yearly/forever effected by their policies.
Welcome to the forum.
a man was driving down the street---passed an old peoples home- saw 10 nude ladies laying on the lawn.
he was surprised!!
on returning an hour later -the same ladies were still laying nude on the lawn- so he went inside to report it to the supervisor!!!
LOL @ Grace!!!!!
i've been out for 8 years, and for the first time in my life i am doubting.. not big doubts, but little ones.
it's all the middle east and the "peace and security" talk.
i feel like armageddon is coming.. the brainwashing never ends.
To counter the "brain washing" you need to fill you head with FACTS.
Please read:
"Armegedon Delayed" by James Penton.
"The Gentle Times Revisited" by Carl Olaf Jonnson
and Jonnson's other book. Very informative and helps you see from a Watchtower mindset that we were brainwashed to believe the FEAR.
"at the end of the day" was recently voted by brits as being the most banal and irritating cliche in the english language.
it's much easier just to say "ultimately" apparently.. my most disliked cliche is "let me put it this way".. when i was in the sales business it was "not at this moment in time".. i wonder why we use cliches?
is it a sort of safety thing, something to hide behind?.
lol @ Ozzie
I "appreciate" that! lol
gina just got off the phone with her mom.
we were tired of lying to these otherwise nice people, not to mention disinfecting the car of all "worldly" paraphenalia, and fearing the inevitable "pop-in" visit while holiday decorations are up.
she felt bad about it, and so did i. but now it's over.
So it's over. It's a relief, but it's also tragic.
I agree. You cannot begin to believe what a relief it is. No more looking over your shoulder, no more wondering who will see what. The pain will still be there because no matter what, shunning hurts. But rise above it and know that your freedom is a wonderful feeling that people who are under mind-control will NEVER understand until they are free.
I'm glad you have each other. Now learn what it really means to be married. No organization or family comes between the two of you. Lean on each other for support and enjoy the good times.
my beautiful, sweet, loving, kind grandmother passed away today.one of the only three people in my life who ever loved me unconditionally.
at the end they tell me she was not struggling, but for weeks before that, she did.
she suffered, horribly.
so sorry ((((Essie))))
please cry your eyes out. You have been holding in a lot of grieving so let it flow.
this morning the jw lady (p) and her daughter (m) came over for a second follow-up visit.
however, this is the first time m has been present for any extensive conversation.
i'm glad she showed up, though, because some major things happened, and i think if there is any breakthrough forthcoming it will be terrific to see 2 in one family get out at the same time.. .
very well done. Maybe, just maybe you've cracked a JW's shell (or two). Excellent.
Please keep us posted on "when she returns".