Welcome jwbloodline.
"I'm a bible student"
i'm a bible student and the i've been told that this issue depends on my conscience.. .
i am a jiu jitsu student and have been for a 4 years.
it's more of a sport.
Welcome jwbloodline.
"I'm a bible student"
pontius pilate asked, and now i'm asking.
i've been reading many topics in here, now i am wondering... what is truth?
i'm both respectful and broadminded enough to allow for any other viewpoint, whether or not i agree.
Welcome OldSoul.
You will find on this discussion board whatever you are looking for. If you want to find anger against the WTBTs, its here. If you want to find bitterness, its here. If you want to find Truth?, it is here. But also here is sympathy, discussions of life after being in a high control group, grieving (all 5 stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) and support from people who have been where you are at.
I can only laugh at your subtle self-righteousness that comes across oh so clearly. To me it means you are still under the spell of the WTBTs and don't know it.
Please stick around and challenge EVERYTHING you think you know. Maybe one day you will know when you are on the path of finding truth.
after reading ray franzs 2 books and much information on this site we did a search comparing wt qoutes and had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts.he also expressed some doubts when he applied to be a ministerial servant and they sent him back a letter making him an elder.his wife was here and when we brought coc out she jumped up like a person on fire.
the elder asked where else could we go?so there is doubt amoung the elders for sure.
i have a sense of loss however cannot support a self proclaimed prophet that is contrary to scriptural teaching and associated with falsehood and bloodguilt.
Welcome Ko38.
It is interesting in what I have observed when people leave a high control group. There are many stages one goes through while deprogramming. Give yourself time and several years before you can successfully say the JW thing is behind you.
Keep reading, if nothing else to prove to youself the many sides of things out there.
As far as the statement "where else are we to go". I love how the WTBTs states that so that its followers are afraid to look behind the curtain. Actually the quote from Peter was "WHOM else are we to go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life". In leaving the JWs it helps to notice what Jesus was really about and not through an organization that likes to convolute his simple message.
After you are comfortable in exploring other thoughts and ideas, you'll learn there are many thoughts and ideas out there.
Look at some old threads for some good reading material and take it slow. Be humble and learn to love life.
my alias is "ray of light" and i have some information to post regarding the kingdom of god.
i will present some scriptures along with some reasonings to ponder over.
jehovah, the god of abraham is a loving god, and humans are created in his image.
Ray of LIght = BrownBoy
the 144,000 are supposedly to give the flock their spiritual food at the proper time.
how is it the elders can laud it over a member of the (supposedly) anointed when it is members of the anointed who are supposed to distribute the spiritual food?
why can they not distribute the spiritual food at the proper time?
Do you suppose Watchtower has been conning people all these years???????????
now wishful thinking is different from the facts, but in our age of technology, which is pretty new!.
how long do you think the wts got before the "truth" is out ?
( i hope its soon).
Unfortunately, think of all the atrocities the Catholic church has done over the hundreds and hundreds of years it has been in existence.
The dangling carrot of the WTBTs is what JW's want otherwise they wouldn't be JWs. (Paradise earth, live forever, etc)
All I hope for is that the harsh doctrines of the WTBTs be done away with, i.e. blood issue, shunning, harboring pedophiles (I know that's harsh, but when you don't report child abuse, you are horboring) closed group attitude (jws vs the world). Let the JWs become more main stream and tolerant of others, yes even family members, then it won't have the harsh control over people.
Just my 2 cents.
i think i posted this a couple of years ago, but thought it was well worth resurrecting.. you can make this by putting foil over the obvious spots..
I want to see a pic of your turkey tomorrow!! She better look like the one you posted.
i am writing this partly to get straight in my mind how i want to present my material tomorrow, since i am representing myself.
but i would also love any advice that you may have to help me (other than get a lawyer.... lol... not an option unfortunately).. my ex-wife and i got separated on april 24, 2003. i spent over $12,500.00 on lawyers just to get to see my kids.
she tried everything in the book to try to prevent me from seeing them, including lying to the police and having me thrown in jail for a night, calling children's aid on me 9 times, (all not substantiated), and most recently by trying to hire someone to beat me up.. we ended up having a settlement conference on june 22, 2004, from which twenty-nine different orders were made, including joint custody with primary residence with her, that my children were ordered to not go to the kingdom hall anymore, access times, support, not moving away, etc.
Smile, be kind, be sure to take deep breaths before answering and not reacting to whatever she throws at you.
Best of luck tomorrow.
*give them enough rope and they will hang themselves* Let your x wife look like the person she is.
today i visit the hospital for my pre-operative check up.
if i'm found to be fit and healthy once more, then i will be admitted back into wsm general in 2 weeks time to get reconnected.. which will mean goodbye to the bag and hello to my a**!
just in time for christmas.. it's something to with be able to withstand anasthesea.
I wish that you are fit for surgery and have a surgoen who's hands are steady and eyesight that is keen.
And I wish for you a speedy recovery in 2 weeks when the reanastomosis takes place.
Hugs & cheers,
i haven't been in here a long while, due to illness.
i still am quite sick and i needed to let all of you know that i think of you all everyday and hope you haven't forgotten me.
it is like my morning caffeine, i need it need it need it.
good to hear from you sorry to hear of your health problems
Hope you can figure out a way to have a portable laptop while you're recooperating. Missed ya